View Full Version : A and E

22-06-11, 14:21
just back from a and e blood pressure 211 106 pulse 110 ecg fine bloods fine doc says fine im f****** scared shoudnt be that high and im stressing and paniking all the time will this kill me

22-06-11, 14:30
No one's ever died from a panic attack, anxiety does raise your BP and heart rate and if you have a full blown panic attack it can raise it considerably for the duration. If you calm down (easier said than done I know) your BP and heart rate should calm down. Try to relax, the doctor said you're fine, they wouldn't have let you out if they thought there was something wrong.

It would be a good idea to make an appointment with your GP soon to check your blood pressure, you might find it makes you less anxious to be in a small doctors office rather than the hospital so it shouldn't be as high (might be a little high if you have White Coat Syndrome) so would provide some reassurance for you. You can also have a chat with the doc about your anxiety problem and what options are available to you.

Exercise works wonders for anxiety, BP and heart rate so it's a win win situation! I know it's scary to get into it but it really does help if it's something you might be interested in.

Feel better soon. x

22-06-11, 15:57
I used to have an attack and run around the house like a mad woman cleaning. The idea in my head was if I keep busy and don't think about it then maybe it would go away...or maybe I was trying to outrun anxiety ;)...either way I was in a frenzy!!
Then I would, ever so often, stop and take my pulse and completely flip out because it was so high! That would go on for hours and hours until I exhausted myself and would have to sit down and try something else. Then...miraculously my pulse would slow;)
Not exactly the same thing as BP, I know but it's the same principle. Taking your BP when you're anxious is like when I would take my pulse while running around the house. Not only will it give you an elevated reading but it will freak you out and add to your anxiety!

22-06-11, 16:48
just back from a and e blood pressure 211 106 pulse 110 ecg fine bloods fine doc says fine im f****** scared shoudnt be that high and im stressing and paniking all the time will this kill me

:weep:Sorry to hear You've had to go to A&E, I went twice in one day once, panic! I know how You feel mate. Its true about exercise it does wonders for well being - :) i don't always practice what i preach though!:D I have have high BP through anxiety and the worry about it can make it worse. Though i am relaxed at the moment. Hope You are OK:):

22-06-11, 20:46
ok thamks mate doctor increasing atenalol from 50 to 75 then to 100mg

22-06-11, 21:18
just back from a and e blood pressure 211 106 pulse 110 ecg fine bloods fine doc says fine im f****** scared shoudnt be that high and im stressing and paniking all the time will this kill me

Thats quite high I was 179/106 I wasnt panicking as in thumping heart just felt like shit and that someting was off. Dr gave me beta blockers to use with my Citalopram. Waiting to be seen for like 1:30 mins lol I actually started to feel better. Silly body!! :scared15:

Hey man I hope you're feeling better now. :bighug1:

22-06-11, 23:09
yea thanks mate