View Full Version : Severe blushing...has anyone used make up to minimise the appearance of this?

22-06-11, 14:45
just wondering if anyone could help me...
I blush terribly...my whole face turns bright red and I get a rash on my chest. It then calms down in 'patches' and makes me really self conscious.
I have an interview on monday where I have to teach a year 3 class. I am fine once I have got to know the children, it's just situations like this, especially where I am being watched, make me even more nervous.
I have bought some Rescue Remedy today so going to give that a try but I was just wondering if anyone knew of any other ways to calm my blushing down. I understand that it is my thought processes and I have tried to be more confident, tell myself I can do it etc but it still happens. I was thinking about make up but not sure if it would just draw more attention to it. Has anyone used any that minimises the appearance of blushing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

22-06-11, 15:56
Hi there

I've never had to use this type of make-up myself, but I know about it as I had a friend that used to have to use it because of her natural skin colour (which was very red as she had rosacea). The stuff you need has a sort of greenish tinge to it, and I think it's usually sold like a solid powder (same sort of thing as ordinary face powder). If I remember rightly, you apply it directly to your skin and then go over it with a thin layer of a "natural" coloured makeup. It won't remove all of it, but it does tone it down quite a bit.

You should be able to get this from somewhere like Boots - if you ask at the Number 7 counter, they should be able to help you out. Test it out a couple of times before you go to the interview so that you know how much you need to put on.

24-06-11, 00:21
Thank you, I've been 'researching' and apparantly clinique, loreal and no 7 do them so going to have a go with one if I can find one in boots!

24-06-11, 00:52
Yeah that greenish cream works, I use a similar product on my arms when my eczema flares up and it works a treat :)

24-06-11, 02:50
I used to use boots no7 colour corrective foundation. It really used to help. Just dont use to much or your face will have a green tinge lol

mandie x

24-06-11, 04:09
just wondering if anyone could help me...
I blush terribly...my whole face turns bright red and I get a rash on my chest. It then calms down in 'patches' and makes me really self conscious.
I have an interview on monday where I have to teach a year 3 class. I am fine once I have got to know the children, it's just situations like this, especially where I am being watched, make me even more nervous.
I have bought some Rescue Remedy today so going to give that a try but I was just wondering if anyone knew of any other ways to calm my blushing down. I understand that it is my thought processes and I have tried to be more confident, tell myself I can do it etc but it still happens. I was thinking about make up but not sure if it would just draw more attention to it. Has anyone used any that minimises the appearance of blushing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

Blushing just shows how sensitive you are and for me you would get the Job based on the fact that you blush so much:yesyes:.

Dale xx

24-06-11, 15:03
I have used Boots No 7 greenish cream to reduce redness. It does not look green on of course and you just apply foundation over the top. I found it very effective, Good luck with the interview. X:)