View Full Version : Lymphoma worries

22-06-11, 15:51
Hello, last year or so, I had a bunch of tests and about 10 doctors see me about my worries of lymphoma. Every test I had came back normal and all the doctors promised me that I was perfectly healthy and I should stop worrying.
However, I went back yesterday to see a doctor about lymph nodes in my lower back and told me to go to get blood tests again, which worried me alot..

As I was about to leave the room he then said to me "if you ever feel breathless, or really ill, go straight to the hospital, OK?".. this scared the hell out of me... do you think he is just sending me to the doctors to get an update to make sure they are still fine? or is this guy genuinely worried about my problem :S... 2 weeks before I went to see a doctor about the same thing and he said to me on the " emergency appointent" that i booked ...
" I can send you for blood tests if you like, but there really is no need".
Im getting mixed signals and it is worrying the hell out of me, just looking for other opinions at the moment.:weep:

Iv developed no new symptoms but the second doctor was just so negative. The blood test wasn't marked as urgent either.

22-06-11, 16:11

22-06-11, 16:14
I think with the tests you have had done, there's honestly no need to worry. Most of the things your Doctor has said shows he think's you're fine. Really try your best not to worry about him saying "if you ever feel breathless, or really ill, go straight to the hospital, OK?" I don't think he said that because he thinks you're seriously ill- if ANYONE feels breathless or really ill they should go straight to the hospital, not just you.

Don't forget, we all interpret things in different ways. What your Doctor said to you will mean something different to somebody else. And we often say things and they come out in a different way to what they mean, which is probably what happened with your Doctor.

I'm terrified about having Lymphoma too at the moment, and if you look at most posts on this forum, there's so many people who panic about having swollen lymph nodes. And we can't ALL have Lymphoma, right?

:hugs: x

22-06-11, 16:21
thanks a lot, and yeah i know, iv had some of them since i was like 13 (19 now),

22-06-11, 16:24
There you go, if you had Lymphoma I'm sure it would have shown by now. I think you're in perfectly good health. :) x

22-06-11, 22:08
People get swollen lymph nodes from having a sore throat from being sick...allergies...alcohol can also make them more pronounced. I think your doctor is just being cautious right now. It could be nothing..could be a harmless cyst? Good thing is you're getting checked out (blood test..etc.)

My aunt had lymphoma..neck and back..she experienced the symptoms..getting sick often..fevers..night sweats. She FINALLY went to the doctor and had an MRI and all other sorts of tests. She was put on chemo..and is now cancer free! She is back to her normal self.

Sorry to have gone off topic a bit...

I'm sure you are fine...how old are you by the way?

23-06-11, 03:56
There you go, if you had Lymphoma I'm sure it would have shown by now. I think you're in perfectly good health. :) x

That goes for you too Sophie lol

Dale xx:yesyes:

23-06-11, 09:51
Hehee, I'm always telling people not to worry, even if they have the same problem that I'm worrying about. :p