View Full Version : Terrors on awakening

22-06-11, 17:30
Does anyone recognise these symptoms?

I sleep through the night, but I'm aware of having unpleasant dreams. When I wake up, I feel anxious, low and still tired.

I often don't awaken properly at first, though. For 30-60 minutes, I find myself stuck in an in-between state where I continue to experience the nasty feelings associated with the dreams, and I seem unable to apply rational thinking to dispel them. It's scary to feel haunted by recollections of events that aren't even real, or which might be unreal but I'm not sure.

Eventually, this state evaporates so that I'm able to think straight again and get going for the day. The feelings of anxiety and lowness often stay with me through the day, although that's more familiar territory as I've had regular difficulties with anxiety attacks over the last few years.

I'm not on any medication, nor am I consuming any substances that might explain this. As such, I'm struggling to understand what's going on. I find it difficult to describe to others how real the experiences feel as I wake up, and why I'm often literally clinging to the bed-clothes, not wanting to move in case I discover that my night-time fears are true in reality.

I'm not keen to go to my GP as: (a) this situation seems laughably silly; and (b) he's likely to suggest anti-depressants, and I don't wish to go back on those unless absolutely necessary. About a year ago, I came off a low-ish dose of citalopram, having endured some of the side-effects over many months without finding it noticeably beneficial.

Many thanks for reading this far! If anyone can offer me any insights then I'll be very grateful. :)

22-06-11, 17:50
This is the hypnagogic state - the place between sleep and wakefullness. You experience it more when you are stressed and it is harmless. You can look it up on google it will explain it there.
I don't think substances would have an effect on it. Are you sleeping enough? Is your sleeping environment comfortable?
You might feel like you are insane and will stay like it forever one time - but that won't happen. It can be fun as well! I often see strange morphing faces or hear people talking to me during this time.

thin ice
22-06-11, 18:19
yes i get this often!!

its petrifying most times.

i do find that having less sleep actually prevents these Terrors to an extent!

22-06-11, 21:27
This is the hypnagogic state - the place between sleep and wakefullness. You experience it more when you are stressed and it is harmless. You can look it up on google it will explain it there.
Many thanks for that. I'm duly researching it! :)

I don't think substances would have an effect on it. Are you sleeping enough? Is your sleeping environment comfortable?
Yes and yes. I do feel, though, as if I'm burning energy and brain power on the harrowing dreams so, despite putting in the hours, it doesn't seem like "quality" sleep. :sad:

You might feel like you are insane and will stay like it forever one time - but that won't happen.
That's a big relief! Really, it is. :emot-woot:

It can be fun as well! I often see strange morphing faces or hear people talking to me during this time.
I've not had any of those. For me, it's just been a case of my mood and emotions being stuck in the dreams.

yes i get this often!!

its petrifying most times.
I agree! :scared15:

i do find that having less sleep actually prevents these Terrors to an extent!
That's an interesting point. I've been trying to sleep more to compensate for my tiredness in the morning, but I guess this could be making things worse. Perhaps I'll try setting the alarm clock earlier.

Many thanks for your replies. I feel encouraged that I'm probably not going mad and that there's something else that I can try. :)

22-06-11, 22:11
My dreams are always stressed situations where I feel very anxious. :scared15: I wonder if that is why my wake up is so full of anxiety.:shrug:
I want happy dreams.