View Full Version : Why do i get like this

22-06-11, 18:44
Hi all, i have major anxiety and a bit well i have depression too, on and off ive suffered with it over the yeats. I have a good job, great family and friends and the most loving boyfriend, no money worries so wh am i feeling like this?

I had been on Citroplam on and off for4 years 20mg up to 60mg i think or 50mg i cant think, today i go to doctors as i had a suicidal thought yesterday ive never ever had one it was totally out the blue i just froze i didnt see the light at end of tunnel and didnt think i could carry on how i was going.

I had a great chat with my doctor today, shes put me on some other antidepressents called Serraline 100mg, i cant take them for two days i think cause i been taking Citroplam they cant mix so have to have 2 days without any medication.
Im feeling really low now, i just wish i knew why i had that suicidal feeling? i mean i dont want to die, i do have a good life apart from my anxiety and depression, it gets me so down, any one else on these tablets?


22-06-11, 19:31
Hi Becks

really feel for you and understand how bewildering it is to have good family,partner and lifestyle ....and still the demon strikes .It strikes all sorts from all spectrums of society . So dont feel guilt on top of the distress :hugs:
It happens and you will get well again .
Have no knowledge of your meds so sure others will be along soon to help there

Main thing is for now dont despair ........you have found this site and can get loads of info and help ...your doctor sounds on the ball and kind . it takes a lot of time to get back Becks .so be patient .but you will get there honest and manage this anxiety .

22-06-11, 20:42
thank you for your message, i hope i can become a bit more stronger and fight this, looking forward to taking my medication. xxx

23-06-11, 02:08
Hi Charmaine

I am on Sertraline too. I have found them to be an excellent medication, but for me I had a few side effects for the first few weeks. After that my mood really improved and the depression lifted.

There is a lot of support for users of this drug on the forum at Medications - Sertraline if you feel you need it. I received a lot of help through that as I found it really tough to begin with. It also helps to make you feel that you are not alone.
