View Full Version : New/old worry

22-06-11, 23:42
Hi everyone,

I am now worried about HIV, IRS one of my oldest worries but its come back to haunt me...

Last week I got my eyebrows semi permanent make up, she definitely used a new needle but during it she also used a razor to remove some hair, and I forgot to ask her if it was a new razor or at least if it was disinfected. She is well known and reputable, but now I fear I caught HIV or hep :(

22-06-11, 23:53
There is absolutely no chance you could catch HIV that way honey. She would have had to have cut you with the razor to make you bleed, and the razor would have had to have had very fresh blood on it from someone who has HIV (which in itself is very rare.) Even then, if your blood mixed with it, the chances would still be tiny. Not going to happen from a razor. xxx
P.s, it would have been a new one too. x