View Full Version : Panic Attack with just heart symptoms

Ma Larkin
25-04-06, 16:32
I had the worst panic attack I've ever had today whilst out shopping in my lunch hour in Somerfield. I haven't had a panic attack for months although suffer from anxiety & have been on prozac for a month & taking diazepam. I rushed back to work & a colleague brought the nurse round to me. I did check my pulse at the height of the attack & I've never known it to be so fast, yet this morning it was really slow. I was just wondering if anyone of you who suffers from panic attacks has ever had a heart attack as well? I don't mean as a result of the panic attacks, but I want to know what the symptoms are of a heart attack. The nurse said I wouldn't get pains in my chest if I was having a heart attack. Where do you get pains then? I find that really hard to believe. Obviously, I know it wasn't a heart attack or I wouldn't be here, & it was the quickest panic attack I've ever had, but I'm getting obsessed that there is something really wrong with my heart, as these days stabbing pains in the left hand side of my chest & upper left back are the only symptoms I seem to get. Any advice would be most welcome because this obsession is taking over my life at the moment & making me worry more.

Thanks. Les

25-04-06, 18:58
Hi Les, before Christmas I had a very similar do to you, ended up in casualty for the first time in my life, even after having tests on my heart and a 24hr ecg, I was convinced there was something wrong with my heart even tho Im a trained nurse and dont suffer from health phobia nobody could persuade me otherwise.The fact my heart was fast even on an ecg proved it moreso.I had very similar pains to you too, have you asked for an ecg from your GP.
Im still here and do now believe it was just a panic attack,prob not a lot of help to you, but try not to worry too much and ask for tests if your not happy,xxx

Ma Larkin
26-04-06, 11:34
Hi Alexis, thanks for that. I've had loads of ECG's, but by the time I've got to hospital, I felt pretty much back to normal. I'm sure it was just a blip as my nurse told me yesterday. I hope so anyway! Like you say, we're still here & that's all that matters.

Les, xx