View Full Version : anxiety/panic/stress what you did not notice

23-06-11, 10:54
I have had a brupt introduction to panic and anxiety and to say the least it is horrible and would not wish it on my worst enemy however......

LATLEY i have been acting a little strange:shrug: and i have ended up with over 200 feedback on ebay as i seam to have ocd with anything relaxing i now have a tool kit for anxiety/ relaxation and i no you will all have these or at least looked at them

FLIP FLOPS --- and i ask my self why fight or flight might have problems if i am walking round like jesus in a pair of sandles i seam to be attracted to flip flops only my grandad and jesus would like ?????....

MEDITATION clothes --- I am an average size 30 year old man but i dress when around the house like a 40 stone woman all my clothes are to big ...

CLOTHES--- i am atracted to anything baggy or should i say to big for me if i see a pair of linnen trousers in primark it is like curry to a piss head to me i am attracted to it in the wrong size always to big ??????? i now look like an american rapper crossed with a roman from 200bc with my trousers falling down :shrug:

YOUTUBE RELAXATION videos --- i have listend to every meditation / hypno tape going and do i feel any better ermmmm not realy....... mabe at the time of relaxation i do that is what relaxation is .... but will i do it all again tonight even though i no it is not realy helping in the long term?????? yes i will and i will dress in flip flops baggy clothes and have a head band on all to lay down on my bed and fall asleep :)

YOGA STOOLS---- need i say more i think yoga is good for me can i can now put my head through my legs and kiss my own ass when i am feeling down :)

SEARCHING FOR SOMETHING--- what am i serching for i dont no mabe i am searching for another book on spiritual healing things i dont understand but the book **** it another spiritual way is a funny read i might add do these books make me feel any better what do you think !
do the pople that right books on the subject have anxiety ? i can feel the healing energy from hear floating over my shakra what ever that is...

SEX-- ok so i dont like to go to the gym cos it might give me a heart attack and every time i feel a twitch this is the heart atack i have been waiting for all this time that is wrecking my life also when i get this feeling i need to stand still and wait for it to come strange ......
BUT when i have sex i lay there with my heart beating out my chest (after sex) and guess what no anxiety or heart attack only a warm feeling as i reflect on the last 10 -15 seconds of my life lol so with this in mind could sex help me with anxiety ????????
men thing about sex every 7 twise as long as sex lasts with me :) so i have 6 seconds to think about anxiety and the impending heart attack that i could have right now if i think about it enough !

no wonder i am bloody stressed out in any 7 seconds i need to think about sex and anxiety and heart attacks so wat am i going to do? i got to let one go and i dont need to tell you what one i wont be thinking about :)

anxiety/panic is horrible yes!!!!
I feel like im choking im not good enough my partner will leave me im about to die any time (lets hope not before i finish this post) and all the other horrible things that comes with it like fear of busy places fear of the un known and MY personal favorit the fear of a heart attack that i feel all day long but does it happen well i am still hear with a fuzzy head that i have all day long ... can any one who has not felt these feelings help you doubtfull Mr valium is takes the edge off it for a few hours but not any good for the long term....

One thing that has me confused is the doctor says im like a cave man (i keep telling my girlfriend this but she does not see it as i do :D)and my fight or flight system is all messed up ok fair enough but why do i feel the need to wear sandles and very very loose linnen clothes with no underware ???? if a lion did come to get me in my cave i could not run because i would look like jesus :D and why do i want to go on ebay and buy anything with the word relaxation in the discription was there ebay in those days ????

so un till i find my own answers or the flip flops that will cure my anxiety i hope this give you all a good giggle because i no you will all no what i am talking about only some one in our CLUB could understand it and as they say the real crazy people are the ones that think there normal so were all ok because i no im not normal :D


23-06-11, 11:57
Omg I've wet my baggy yoga trousers!!! Thanks so much for your post!! Perhaps I can use some of your eBay purchases. I teach yoga as a living, so you'd think I could define relaxation, but doing and feeling are two different things. Best get back to 2 legs behind my head. I feel more in control the. Or I can always sell my students your yoga stools and patent the flip flops......
Damn having convolutions on the tube@!! :roflmao:

Super-mad-hyperyogi x x x ;))

23-06-11, 13:00
Absolute Brilliant!! :)) Put a smile on my face and the rain just stopped! Thanks Billy! :)) x

23-06-11, 16:42
eva i told you im jesus stoping the rain is an easy task :) and for you anything .

Im just sick of feeling horrible all the time i just need to smile some times so its good to laught at my selfe the funny thing is i feel a bit better for it the fact that a gang of 12 year old school kids scares me is just part of life ......

how sick am i of the phrase fight or flight i dont want to do either to be honest i just like to stand still and shit my selfe !

you carnt beat the feeling like your going to die can you when your in a sweet shop :)

23-06-11, 16:57
Yes it gave me a much needed giggle but IT'S ALL SO TRUE!!!
I'm sitting here thinking...I own 3 pair of flip flops and only one pair of normal shoes AND I'M A WOMAN!! LOL
I walk around all day having to hike up my pants because I buy them so big they fall off me and most of my shirts are so big that they sometimes double as nightgowns ;)
I did try yoga and I looked like a fat fish out of water stuck on the floor and had to have my daughter rescue me! ;)
I tried meditation but the virtual instructor kept saying "Clear your mind" and when I couldn't and the little voice in my head was reading off the list of things I was SUPPOSED to be worrying about instead of trying to meditate...I convinced myself that I must be going schizophrenic cuz I couldn't concentrate and it thru me into a panic! So much for meditation *Sigh*

23-06-11, 17:38
Yes it gave me a much needed giggle but IT'S ALL SO TRUE!!!
I'm sitting here thinking...I own 3 pair of flip flops and only one pair of normal shoes AND I'M A WOMAN!! LOL
I walk around all day having to hike up my pants because I buy them so big they fall off me and most of my shirts are so big that they sometimes double as nightgowns ;)
I did try yoga and I looked like a fat fish out of water stuck on the floor and had to have my daughter rescue me! ;)
I tried meditation but the virtual instructor kept saying "Clear your mind" and when I couldn't and the little voice in my head was reading off the list of things I was SUPPOSED to be worrying about instead of trying to meditate...I convinced myself that I must be going schizophrenic cuz I couldn't concentrate and it thru me into a panic! So much for meditation *Sigh*

i am a man and like all men when im ill i want to feel like i am iller than any one has ever been :) so my anxiety must be worse than every one elses ha ha but some times if you just sit and think about it its laughable the things anxiety can make you do and think..... is it a heart attack ? no it was just good sex will a beata blocker kill me will an anti depresant kill me not likely .... the more i wright on here the better i feel

23-06-11, 18:50
I used to run around like a mad woman thinking it would help take my mind off the panic attack!
Went in to the bathroom one time and decided in my infinite (and rather clouded) judgement, that I would shave below my eyebrows to give them a more arched look IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANIC ATTACK! Hands all shaky and I'm over in front of the mirror convinced that it's a GREAT idea.
Ending to the story??.......
Lost half an eyebrow and had to pencil it in for 4 weeks until it grew back!
Added that one to my list of things NOT to do while in panic.
Goes on the list with making any kind of food that requires chopping or carving and polishing my fingernails!

I feel the same way about writing on here! It does help!

23-06-11, 19:12
I used to run around like a mad woman thinking it would help take my mind off the panic attack!
Went in to the bathroom one time and decided in my infinite (and rather clouded) judgement, that I would shave below my eyebrows to give them a more arched look IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANIC ATTACK! Hands all shaky and I'm over in front of the mirror convinced that it's a GREAT idea.
Ending to the story??.......
Lost half an eyebrow and had to pencil it in for 4 weeks until it grew back!
Added that one to my list of things NOT to do while in panic.
Goes on the list with making any kind of food that requires chopping or carving and polishing my fingernails!

I feel the same way about writing on here! It does help!

i think we should put a thread up for stupid things we do when anxious i asked for a ham salad sandwich to be microwaved the other day that was a classic every one looked at me with in 2 min i was in my car puffing and panting :)

23-06-11, 19:26
Lots of people here toast their ham salad so you are just fond of international cuisine! LOL
I think there used to be a thread about stupid (but funny) stuff people do while anxious. I'll have to see if I can find it ;)

23-06-11, 20:49
This made me laugh so much because it's so true!

Personally I lounge around in a dressing gown - perhaps the ultimate in comfort!

I spend quite a bit of my time watching drag racing videos on youtube and ones which you think "why am I watching this?" they're that stupid like funny cats/squirrels etc.

And stupid things I've done when anxious? I've forgotten my name, date of birth, address when asked. I've got myself mixed up when ordering food and end up getting something I don't like because I'm too anxious to ask the waiter to change the order! I've totally lost the ability to count out notes at the checkout and just hand it all over and hope for the best. And the best I think so far? In a busy shop extending my left hand to push open a double door and walking straight into the right hand door! ouch!!!


25-06-11, 13:45
This made me laugh so much because it's so true!

Personally I lounge around in a dressing gown - perhaps the ultimate in comfort!

I spend quite a bit of my time watching drag racing videos on youtube and ones which you think "why am I watching this?" they're that stupid like funny cats/squirrels etc.

And stupid things I've done when anxious? I've forgotten my name, date of birth, address when asked. I've got myself mixed up when ordering food and end up getting something I don't like because I'm too anxious to ask the waiter to change the order! I've totally lost the ability to count out notes at the checkout and just hand it all over and hope for the best. And the best I think so far? In a busy shop extending my left hand to push open a double door and walking straight into the right hand door! ouch!!!


losing my memory is a daily thing when im having one of my bad days ! :yesyes:

11-07-11, 08:48
This post made me laugh. Guess we get to the point where if we don't laugh we will cry so why the hell not,

Though I feel i should point out that your maybey stuck in limbo as u dnt have one shakra, u have 7 chakras which cld be blocked so u got alot of work doing before ul feel the benefits :) Apparently for your heart chakra if u wear green and pale pink it helps? Just a thought for your next pair of baggy trousers or flip flop purchases :)

liked your theory on sex to lol think it could be made available on the nhs ?

On a more serious note check out panchos recovery toolkit thread under success stories. it might help u out



24-06-12, 09:03
SEX-- ok so i dont like to go to the gym cos it might give me a heart attack and every time i feel a twitch this is the heart atack i have been waiting for all this time that is wrecking my life also when i get this feeling i need to stand still and wait for it to come strange ......

Excellent Billy. This is my problem. I had my first Panic attack while bench pressing at the gym. I felt a twinge in my peck on the heart side and decided to stop then I went dizzy and had a great desire to get out of the gym at get home. I cant face another gym and dont do any high intensity exercise.

I feel like I am going to have a heart attack at any time.I have lived like this since 2006. Still here but still stop at any chest twinges or aches.

I feel the same about my wife. If I keep moaning or letting this take control of me she will dump me as I am not acting like my forefathers the alpha males.
This helps the downward spiral of self pity and loathing. LOL.

Not sure if any other men are on here and feel the same or are brave enough or dare I say it Man enough to admit they feel the same.
