View Full Version : acceptance

25-04-06, 16:45
I'm learning that one of the most important parts of defeating depression and anxiety is acceptance. A while ago a CBT therapist told my group that we must accept and, at the time, I misunderstood her. I thought she meant that we must accept being ill and live with it, that we must accept not being happy with how our life is going.

I now understand that we have to accept the things that we cannot change. I've had panic attacks because of the way the world is and the nature of life and death. I'm only now learning that they are things that we must simply accept and work with.

Yes, our planet can be savage, but it can also be very beautiful. I don't want to limit myself to being stuck in this small town, I want to go out there, face my fears and see the world.

The other thing I'm gradually learning is to not always look so deeply into things. Again, my old CBT therapist said that everyone is selfish, if they comfort you it is only because your crying is making them feel bad and they want it to stop. I thought "And this is meant to be helping me? You're making me feel like it's a very cruel, cold world". How I now interpret it is that if you're going to anlayse everyone (yourself included) you will never find anyone totally good or pure or selfless. Accept people's good and bad points. Take things at face value.

No one wants to be superficial or shallow, but the way to get on with life is to focus on the HERE and the NOW. Take life as it comes and don't think too much about it. I know it's hard, i really do. I used to think that it must be a blessing to be a bit dim because then you wouldn't have the awareness or the imagination to create all these things to worry about.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.