View Full Version : So sick and exhausted of everything.

23-06-11, 14:00
Does anyone else get sudden spells or just feel really exhausted and drained all the time? Like recently I keep getting the feeling of nausea and then what follows is just the need to sleep or lie down. It's really, really awful :(

I also have been noticing my left arm seems to be feeling weaker. I don't know if I strained the muscle playing guitar for so long or something. But I'm frightened it's something more than that (heart, brain, etc). Haven't googled it, thankfully.

Anyone else get any of this? I think I can probably think of a rational explanation for each. But when it's happening it frightens me.

Back pain, tiredness, leg pain, nausea, heart palpitations, neck strain, pain between shoulder blades, I just feel I'm stuck in a vicious cycle with these. And some days just feel like giving up.

The problem is; when I feel like I'm battling this HA ok, most of what I'm left with is this raw grief for my mum :( I miss her more than anything in the world and i'm just exhausted. I feel like all this is too much to deal with for a 22 year old. How am I supposed to get through all this? :( I just don't know anymore.

23-06-11, 15:48
I can totally relate to everything you have just said!

I have moments of huge energy when I want to rush around and get everything done and the next minute I'm shattered and just need to sleep.

I'm sat writing this at work, another 1 hour and 50 mins until I can leave but all I want to do is sleep or atleast lie down!

Strange you mention your left arm feels weaker than the other, mines been the same for the last few days, just feels like it needs to be 'rested' all the time.

I also get all of the other symptoms you mention on a nearly daily basis, unfortunately they just seem to be symptoms of this anxiety hell. It scares me too.

I've pretty much convinced myself that over the last few months I've had every sort of cancer going. It's breast cancer this week, I saw the doc about it y'day and he said everything is fine but I'm still adamant he's missed something. Bloomin HA! I hate it!!
Don't give up though, over time it can and will get better. Your not alone.
I'm so sorry about your mum, :bighug1:from me.
Take care of yourself. Xxx

23-06-11, 21:07
Hi Alice,
I can totally sympathise with you, I lost my mum 2 years ago and i wish it gets easier... I do miss her every single day some days more than others but i still suffer with health anxiety... I am waiting for counselling and i am hoping this helps me start to get my life back on track but till then i have to accept every symptom, ache, pain, sleepness nights, night sweats and anything else my mind is going to throw and me and fight through it. My mum would be so unhappy and mad that i am allowing this to beat me so i need to do this for her and for me.
Keep fighting and fingers crossed that in time we will get on with our lives.

24-06-11, 01:32
Hi electricalice,
Sorry about the loss of your mom.
I lost my dad a 22years old, it is hard for a while and you do feel like the raw grief will never go away, but eventually it will fade day by day...for a while you will feel dreadful and sometimes you feel that life is cruel and life can be cruel, but you are so young and you have a full life ahead of you...
I feel tired all the time and of low mood, sometimes like ellie bear i get a huge amount of energy then i get no energy or enthusiam to do anything, i have low motivation and feel sometimes what is the point of doing anything...but you i try to focus on positives and try to motivate myself, and try just to get on with my life..

24-06-11, 15:55
I have been feeling a bit better, thanks for your replies guys. The CBT videos I've got are helping me not to worry about my symptoms.

So do you guys get really fatigued feeling all of a sudden? I get it randomly, but I'm just trying to understand that it is probably just the anxiety causing that. The nausea and fatigue at the same time is more worrying though. Do you guys get this too?

I hate that jittery adrenaline feeling I get too. It's horrid :(

24-06-11, 18:04
Hi everyone

I've got this too almost constantly - exhaustion, back ache, neck strain, pain between shoulder blades plus occasional bouts of nausea and vertigo. I don't sleep well either so that's probably got a lot to do with it.

It's so frustrating because I want to be able to do things but just haven't got the energy or will to do it.


24-06-11, 19:11
I get tired very easily, sometimes i think it is because i do not have much to loo forward to, the feeling of dread and the feeling of being un uninspired...i feel like brambles..i want to do so much but i lack the motivation to do it and then when i feel low i think i have some serious illness and my HA plays up !! agh yep and i get the jittery adrenaline feeling....

25-06-11, 02:52
Argh the pain between my shoulder is really playing up tonight :(