View Full Version : 5htp-citalopram

23-06-11, 14:15
Hi ive been having severe anxiety depression feelings for the last few weeks.i thought the cause was a low carb diet i was on.I recently started taking 5htp which seems to have worked a bit.I still feel really low in the mornings then feel ok then feel bad then feel ok at nighttime.I went to the doctor today and he prescribed me 10mg citalopram,he didnt really want to talk about 5htp as he said it wasnt something doctors prescribed.My issue is this should i keep going with the 5htp and give it more time and does it take a while to work once you have taken it(hence while i feel bad in mornings) or should i start taken citalopram although i am worried about the side effects as i dont want to feel any worse than i do now. Any advice greatly received. am really at my wits end and so confused what is best to do

23-06-11, 20:37
I wouldn't take both. As far as I can remember (you'll have to look this up) both affect serotonin levels so you really want to stick with Citalopram and ditch the 5HTP.

I also tried 5HTP and quite honestly it had very little effect at all, certainly nothing compared to Citalopram. I think the lack of side effects from 5HTP really spoke volumes about how weak it was. Hope this is some help.