View Full Version : Sorry to keep posting

23-06-11, 15:17
Hi sorry to keep posting and dont want to keep bothing people on here as i know you all have your own problems to deal with, but my anxiety has got bad the last few mnths and its not getting any better but i think im not helping myself over come this and think im doing everything wrong to get my self better sorry if this to long but ill teel you a little about myself and anxiety . Ive had it now for a few yrs ive had cbt beginning of the year but the coucilor i had wasnt very helpful she just learnt me do my breathing and challeng my thoughts even tho i told her how bad i had health anxiety and fear of going dizzy or being dizzyand that im petriefied of taking meds or even any pill because of the side effects but all she said was that the phobia:s i have and the heath anxiety is all just part of gad that i have and that she can only deal with gad so im still left with the fears i have and dont know how to overcome them .al;so i spend most of my time in my bedroom because im anxiose all the time and i wont do anything because the way i feel all the time and think to myself i cant do this or that because im anxiouse, i know its the wrong thing to keep doing but i cant seem to get in my head that its only anxiety and it wont kill me or harm me but it just wont register in my head ive even started to feelscared bieng on my own thro the dayand i have a son whos 21 which has just started work and he used to stay in alot before he got a job so i didnt feel scared then but im keeping my 14yr old daughter off school some days just so some one is at home with me i cant go on like this nomore and i know its only me that can help myself and i cant keep running up to my gp everyday because of the way im feeling i just want some advise or help so i get thro this as it is not fair on my daughter or son i need to get better for them sorry to go on and on on but dont know how to get thro it on my own ,i dont know if any one else is like me so any advise any one can give me would make me feel abit better thank you