View Full Version : Increase in symptoms

23-06-11, 17:00
I was started on 10mg per day of citalopram for anxiety. I had a severe increase in anxiety symptoms and decrease in appetite.

I had to increase to 20mg after a week but after taking one 20mg tablet I felt so ill - sick, shaking, faint, pins and needles in arms and very very panicky.

I spoke to the GP who said these were all side effects and normal. He said I could either drop back to 10mg, stay at 20mg and "ride it out" or alternate between 10 and 20mg. I knew I wouldn't be able to work in that state so I dropped down to 10mg and my symptoms inproved but the anxiety never went completely.

Last Friday I increased to 20mg (was on the 10mg dose for 2.5 weeks) and I didnt experience the same extreme in side effects at that time. However as the days have gone on my anxiety is increasing. I am also feeling more and more tired.

Is this normal? Should it be increasing ? I am working tomorrow and that is where my anxiety's lay so it could be the thought of that.

I just so want to be well :weep:

23-06-11, 18:46
We all want to well :) These symptoms are all from the citalopram, you should try to wait for them to go away, maybe 2-3 weeks will be enough. If you still can't cope with them afther that period, you can ask your Dr to change the medicine. 10mg is a little dose, you don't feel SEs with it, but in most of the cases it will not cure you completely. The anxiety will still be there until citalopram has done its work (several weeks for real "good" condition), especially as you said- going to work tomorrow is something that lays at the back of your mind and worries you without asking you (absolutely normal reaction in such condition).

Lion King
23-06-11, 19:50
Hi there,

It is tough, the SE's were pretty hard going! I had shakes, tension, increased anxiety and no appetite. Try to ride it out it does get better, if work is the issue it may be worth taking a rest until the symptoms settle down (that is they are understanding and professional!).

I hope you all the best!!!


23-06-11, 20:28
Thanks for your replies.

Work is my problem. I am a nurse and get so panicky - but when I have calmed down I know I am good at what I do. Work have been understanding - but for how much longer I just don't know. I think if I stay away from work the anxiety will still be there as I will have to go back at some point. But if I can keep going in the anxiety will get less as I "face" the fear - and the medication will help.

At least that's what I am hoping.

23-06-11, 21:51
Hi, what you're going through is the same as what thousands of us (including me) have experienced. Any dose above 10mg is quite punishing for your body to adapt to, but you will adapt. Thinking otherwise is like saying it will never stop raining; maybe it looks like it now, but in time, things will look very different.

Lion King
24-06-11, 22:46
That's a good point, if you spend time away from work this will lead to enhanced anxiety! If you are in the right frame of mind then go for it, don't hold back!

All the best!

LK x

30-06-11, 10:00
This drug takes a long time to work, it took me 3 months before I got the dose right and I started to really improve.