View Full Version : This week, I'll mainly be worrying about Throat Cancer...

23-06-11, 18:24
This week I'm having a classic 'I have a small ailment, but because I have super fun HA I'm going to blow it out of all proportion' kind of time. Which is always a laugh. Long drawn out anxiety is like a giant party...

Basically, my right tonsil is kinda big. It has been for at least 6 weeks, maybe more, but I hadn't really worried about it as my anxiety was off focusing on other things. But with them now out the way and dealt with, my tonsil is getting my full attention.

It isn't even really that big. It just peeks out ever so slightly. If I didn't check my body umpteen times a day for signs of illness, I wouldn't even have noticed the thing. I've felt like I've been about to have a full blown throat infection a couple of times over the last 6 weeks or so but its never come, and do have a slightly irritated throat, so common sense says its just a minor infection that I can't shift. Right?

Wrong! Of course it is Throat Cancer, or most likely tonsil cancer. Either way the big C is there. I even went to the doctors (I was there anyway for a completely unrelated blood test for a medical form I need so just popped in to see one) and the person I saw was spectacularly unimpressed with the size of my tonsil. She felt my neck, found nothing interesting there, and was like "Yeah, your right tonsil is kinda swollen, do you want some antibiotics or something?" I don't know why, but then your GP is really unimpressed - not negligent or unsympathetic, just giving off a vibe that screams 'This isn't serious at all...' - with your symptoms, I find it really reassuring.

So I'm now here with my antibiotics and a still swollen\irritated tonsil. And the fact that 3 days into a 10 day course of penicillin v there is no improvement means that I was right all along, it IS cancer and I should go back and get referred to a specialist to start chemo ASAP so I don't die. This is all despite the fact that I don't feel ill, I have no trouble swallowing, I can't even find a lymph node to be swollen, don't have teeth falling out my jaw, haven't got any blood in anything, have no cough and have, you know, no bad pain in my neck and jaw.

You know, this is what is driving me nuts about health anxiety. I can't just have a sore throat anymore. I have to have throat cancer. And I won't believe that I don't have some horrific life threatening disease until I've been told black and white by a doctor that I don't. Any symptom I get, or even invent, isn't just an innocent thing anymore. I have to be told back and white "Don't worry, this isn't serious and you won't get ill and die young". Oh well, I've got my CBT assessment in 8 days, so hopefully that path might help.

Also, if you have a sore throat, do NOT use a mobile phone light (the ones that work as a flash on some smartphones) to look down your throat. The light is so bright, your mouth looks bizarre and you can just... eurgh... don't do it!

(Sorry that wasn't a constructive post and just me rambling on, just I find it uber useful to spill out whatever I've been chewing round and round in my head here, where I know at least a few people who understand will see it)

23-06-11, 19:09
I'm sorry you've got the anxiety at the moment, but I know exactly how you feel, and funnily enough I have a CBT assessment in 8 days too! My main, current anxiety is surrounding HIV, but the last couple of days I've been worrying about a throat pain I've been having.

I had a pain for 2-3 weeks, back in March, on the tip of my epiglottis & could feel a small bump. I wasn't particularly worried until my dad happened to say, "It could be nothing ~but~ it could be something. Go to the doctor." Then I started to google it (bad idea) and convinced myself it was cancerous, or that I'd develop epiglottitis leading to swelling of my epiglottis and suffocation. Went to my doctor after about 10 days, who almost made it seem like I was wasting his time. It went away after 3 weeks (though I've had other ailments since, each bringing anxiety with it).

But I developed a throat pain on Monday night, almost in exactly the same place as the one in March which in one sense reassured me (I've had it before & it was OK), but in another sense terrified me (I've had it before—it must be a recurring thing). Yesterday I had a feel around (probably shouldn't have) and it seems to be soreness at the base of my epiglottis, possibly even my tonsils at the base of your tongue. Today I've convinced myself that I have/I'll develop some kind of untreatable infection, or will develop epiglottitis (like I worried before) or that I'll develop tonsillitis (which, because of the symptoms, will only add to my anxiety regarding HIV). I'm trying to stay calm though, and wait it out for a few days.

Oh, and yes... I agree with the suggestion not to look at your throat with a phone flash! I bet even the healthiest throat could look poorly with one of those.

Please let us know how you get on with the tonsil, and also with the CBT. Really hope they both go well.

(And thanks for the post. Although you think it wasn't constructive, it's helped me by reminding me that there are other people going through the same/similar things as me right at this moment, so thank you.)