View Full Version : Dizziness

23-06-11, 18:36
Hi all had this awfull feeling today while waiting with my daughters at the doctors both are unwell at the moment got really anixous in there on my own as i am dealing with being places on my own at the moment. This feeling was dizzines so tense like i was going to fall down i have got sinius infection. But i have had this feeling before its like sombodys pushing down on your head, and also you cant stand for to long and keep conversation going that makes me fell uncomfertable aswell. Any one get this.:):)

24-06-11, 11:18
Yes alot of times. Im agoraphobic and this was the start of it. Ask your dr to be refered to a CPN.

24-06-11, 11:26
I have just got back from my third counselling session and this has been our topic of discussion today as i find this one of the worse symptoms to cope/deal with.

Its due to hyperventilation - my counsellor says we dont have to be panting for breath to hyperventilate - quick shallow breathing when nervous can cause it to happen. I practice breathing in to a count of 4 and out to a count of 8 to try and help me.

Hope this helps/reassures you! xx

24-06-11, 16:06
Hi thans guys just a horrible feeling, I did think it could be down to not breathing propley i will defo try your idea Good luck with the councling. I do notice i seem to hold my breath when im nervous.:)

24-06-11, 16:30
It's main reason I freak out nowadays is dizziness. I cant bare it.