View Full Version : Breakthrough bleed on the pill

23-06-11, 20:23
I've been on yasmin for quite some time now, so I'm not new to it. I do run the pill back to back only usually having around 4 'periods' a year. (my doc hasn't got a problem with this).

I've had breakthrough bleeds in the past but usually when I've been taking it for a while and not regulary. Recently I've been taking it every morning along with my other meds.
When I've just got in today I've noticed abit of blood, not bright red in colour, more brownish (sorry for the detail) and I'm a tad concerened as it's not happened before for no reason.
I have to go to the docs tomorrow anyway for more antidepressants, do you think this might be worth mentioning? And/or has anyone else experienced the same thing?