View Full Version : Feels Like im moving/swaying

24-06-11, 19:48

I have had to make a post here as I feel im losing my mind with this issue.
A few weeks ago I went to my doctor as It seemed I was suffering with anxiety after the death of my cat, who I was very close to. I had very negative thoughts constantly and felt like I needed to run away with all the energy I had inside. At the same time I was feeling very scared and worried about the thoughts of my parents/me/other family dying. The doctor told me I was suffering with OCD, and anxiety. He put me on 50mg sertraline and 40mg propranolol. He also gave me some Diazepam for when things got rough. I cannot say I was actually having full on panic attacks, but the feeling was more of a 'fright' then the urge to pace around the room with thoughts running through my head. A week or so after the death of my cat, I would, for example be sitting at my computer and have a strange sensation in my head, as if I had lost my balance for a split second. Then I would walk downstairs and again, would feel an odd balance sensation. Sitting down was odd, I would sit and feeling alittle of balance, and then feel like I was swaying to the left or right. This all happens very quickly, a split second.

Im sitting here at my computer now jiggling my legs, and I can feel this off-balance feeling in my head. It's scarying me!

Has ANYONE had this feeling while suffering with anxiety or panic. Im currently feeling quite calm, but even now I can feel it. I does seem to be wrose when im feeling more anxious.

I have spoken to my GP about this but he just tells me its anxiety, BUT ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY. Im trying to get though the anxious times but this has seemed to of taken over and now im getting worried about this problem!

This is not feeling dizzy, like blood rushing to my head or anything. Its just a floaty feeling, swaying.

Please if anyone has experienced this before any advice would be great!

Thanks for reading

24-06-11, 21:52

It could be caused by your medicication , anxiety can bring it on too, also TMJ can cause it.
I've it really bad lately, like sometimes my head falls back, or i might sway forward, it's much worse lying down :( I might as well be on a boat.
IF it doesn't improve I would get your ears cheaked out, I know they use some instrument to check your ear fluid and measure pressure.
I think mine may be caused by my wisdom teeth, but if it doesn't go away after I get them out I'll definitely be demanding to see a specialist.

Hmm I do get the lightheaded sensation with mine , My balance sucks, like if I'm standing still I feel my body moving side to side, like the pressure shifting from left to my right leg. I don't know if that is normal though.

I would get it checked out by an ENT person, cause if it turns out to be caused by nothing then you can work on accepting it is just part of your anxiety.

Do your ears ever feel full? mine do when I get dizzy.
Sorry to hear about your cat :(

24-06-11, 22:59
Sorry to hear you're feeling bad :(
I've been out of sorts for a couple of months now with vertigo associated with anxiety- exactly like what you've been describing. It makes me cry with frustration! It's sort of a vicious cycle because the vertigo makes me panicky but the panic gives me vertigo! I'm starting on Setraline 50mg tomorrow to hopefully help me get on track.
Anyway, I'm writing this to let you know you're definitely not alone in these icky feelings and I know how uncomfortable it is, as will most people on this site.
Have you started taking the sertraline?

I hope you feel better sooner rather than later :)

25-06-11, 01:39
Thankyou for the replies!
It's just such a hard thing to describe to people.
Ive tried telling my doctor as I said, but I dont think he understands how much this is making me feel ill. Im worried about what it can be, im in constant conflict with my mind telling myself to relax 'its just anxiety'

Never felt anything like it before!
The problem is, the last 2 days it just wont go away, I wake up with it, I go to bed with it. It -SEEMS- to get worse when I get more stress/anxious.

I just need a break from it :(

25-06-11, 02:40
Sitting here myself, anxious, and off balance feeling when I get up to walk around.
I actually went to the posts here wondering if there was any current posts about the off balance, and here it was the first one on the list.
I have had it go away sometimes a day or few, one time it was gone for 3 weeks. Yet each time it is there, I get the "what if" thoughts that are a big part of my anxiety.

This may not be related but its worth a mention to the Doctor, My uncle had a very similar sudden balance queezy feeling problem for a while it used to make him head to his bed to rest because it made him feel pretty unwell, in the end he was diagnosed with an inner ear problem called Meniere's disease, he is fully cured now but it worried him and caused alot of misery for a good while until it was diagnosed.


25-06-11, 15:17
Well, the swaying feeling has definatly eased up today. Its still happpening now and then but defo better! I hate the feeling though, just makes me more anxious and I start to worry about what it could be! :wacko:

At the moment I feel like I have flu, the depersonalization feeling I guess.

27-06-11, 11:14
I get that all the time, been bothering me lately, now I'm thinking I got diabetes lol....not a good day for me lol

27-06-11, 17:19
This may not be related but its worth a mention to the Doctor, My uncle had a very similar sudden balance queezy feeling problem for a while it used to make him head to his bed to rest because it made him feel pretty unwell, in the end he was diagnosed with an inner ear problem called Meniere's disease, he is fully cured now but it worried him and caused alot of misery for a good while until it was diagnosed.


Funny u mention ear problems i had ear problems for long time but not sure if its a disease. just thej fluid wouldnt drain down the back tubes. blocked or something dr said. ears are fine now though but still feeling what this guy does.:noangel:

25-06-15, 01:52

I have had to make a post here as I feel im losing my mind with this issue.
A few weeks ago I went to my doctor as It seemed I was suffering with anxiety after the death of my cat, who I was very close to. I had very negative thoughts constantly and felt like I needed to run away with all the energy I had inside. At the same time I was feeling very scared and worried about the thoughts of my parents/me/other family dying. The doctor told me I was suffering with OCD, and anxiety. He put me on 50mg sertraline and 40mg propranolol. He also gave me some Diazepam for when things got rough. I cannot say I was actually having full on panic attacks, but the feeling was more of a 'fright' then the urge to pace around the room with thoughts running through my head. A week or so after the death of my cat, I would, for example be sitting at my computer and have a strange sensation in my head, as if I had lost my balance for a split second. Then I would walk downstairs and again, would feel an odd balance sensation. Sitting down was odd, I would sit and feeling alittle of balance, and then feel like I was swaying to the left or right. This all happens very quickly, a split second.

Im sitting here at my computer now jiggling my legs, and I can feel this off-balance feeling in my head. It's scarying me!

Has ANYONE had this feeling while suffering with anxiety or panic. Im currently feeling quite calm, but even now I can feel it. I does seem to be wrose when im feeling more anxious.

I have spoken to my GP about this but he just tells me its anxiety, BUT ITS DRIVING ME CRAZY. Im trying to get though the anxious times but this has seemed to of taken over and now im getting worried about this problem!

This is not feeling dizzy, like blood rushing to my head or anything. Its just a floaty feeling, swaying.

Please if anyone has experienced this before any advice would be great!

Thanks for reading

Hi am Ryan and your not alone I been feeling this way too since I was 15 one day I was on my laptop watching YouTube when my body felt like it was swaying or my body is moving and it only happens in the month of may which I have no idea why though but it went away after I cleaned my ears with eardrops but I notices it gets worse when my anxiety goes up cause I too have ocd and anxiety since 11 but didn't get this till I was 15. Its makes me feel better to know am not alone either.

25-06-15, 05:40
Hi Neilish I have been and am like this every dayhave been for momths,its terrible but I have learnt to live with it,I float round shops and if you can accept it it will ease,

25-06-15, 10:25
Sounds like vertigo. I get it a lot nowadays. The first time I had it I thought I was dying and had a brain tumour or something because the sensation was so strong. Sometimes I feel like I am just gently swaying and then other times I get what are called drop attacks, where it literally feels like actually grabs me and pushes me onto the floor and I do actually end up on the floor because of it. I get the swaying feeling a lot when I am lying down. I sometimes grab onto my bed for fear I am going to roll off even though I know I wont.

25-06-15, 10:51
Ive had it too. Especially like gingerfish describes. Awful feeling at outset of anxiety episodes like im being thrown backwards down a lift shift ?? if you know what I mean .

25-06-15, 20:18
Gingerfish - you described what i have perfectly. I've been trying to put it into words and that's exactly it. Very strange feeling

---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:15 ----------

I;m seeing my dentist and then back to my doctor, they suspect TMJ disorder and i am awaiting an ear test too.

I have no doubt that what ever it is i have was probably made worse by stress, however i'm confused at how anxiety could cause true vertigo without another issue?

26-06-15, 16:05
Hi im having this right now its awful!! I hate it so much it really scares me and makes me worry its something more serious like my heart. I get the moving n swaying and fuzziness n also lightheaded. My hearing keeps foing briefly and i feel the tone change...or i get weird head sensations and then my ears start ringing. Im reallt thinking the end is near for me. Im sorry we all have to experience this. Hugs to everyone x

27-06-15, 08:58
Hi Don't worry about it I get it every day even now,the ringing in the ears is just tinnitus made worse by your anxiety,and sickness .

07-07-15, 08:20
I'm going through the same problem. Have been for the past 18 months. Only started once I stopped my meds cold turkey, 20mg Lexapro. I've tried various anxiety meds and they aren't making it better. Had my ears checked and they're fine.

The constant feeling of swaying is awful. Feels like you're walking on a boat or a bouncy castle. I've been on 5mg of Lexapro for the past 20 weeks and still no better.

Really don't know what to do about it anymore. Really feel for you as the sensation is terrible.

09-07-15, 02:06
Hi im having this right now its awful!! I hate it so much it really scares me and makes me worry its something more serious like my heart. I get the moving n swaying and fuzziness n also lightheaded. My hearing keeps foing briefly and i feel the tone change...or i get weird head sensations and then my ears start ringing. Im reallt thinking the end is near for me. Im sorry we all have to experience this. Hugs to everyone x

This is almost exactly what's happening to me with the swaying and I also relate it to my heart. I only seem to feel it when I'm standing still though, pretty much never when I'm sitting or lying down. I also get the ear things but only occasionally. I've been thinking about how to describe it and the tone change is pretty accurate.nth only ring for a few seconds as well.

I hate this shit.

09-07-15, 16:43
This is exactly how I feel when I have been getting the dizzy spells. It's like I'm swaying back and forwards or side to side and feels like I can't walk in a straight line!

24-09-15, 07:11
You literally described the feeling perfectly. I've been experiencing this swaying/floaty feeling for the past few months. I'm on sertraline so I'm not sure if this is the cause since many others on this post have stated that they are on it as well or if it's just related to anxiety. I work in retail (probably the worst place for me) and when I have customers surrounding me I feeling especially off balance and that just drives my anxiety up even further. It truly is a never ending cycle, causing constant fear and frustration. It's good to know I'm not crazy though and that other people are experiencing the exact thing that I am. Wish you all the best!

24-09-15, 11:13
I recently put a post on about this.
I am getting this and have for a while.
Its so frustrating as its making my anxiety worse because I am worrying about it constantly.
Every day I wake up hoping that it has disappeared but within about 20 minutes of being up it starts all over again and will be there most of the day.
I do get times when I am busy and not thinking about it that it goes away so I am definitely thinking its the worry/anxiety that's causing it.
Just need to find a way of not thinking about it but its so hard:shrug:

24-09-15, 22:22
I have this most days some good some bad, I have had my ears checked and they found nothing wrong. I kind of just get on with it now.

01-10-15, 08:43
I actually just recently read about gluten intolerance causing this feeling of being off balance and that a lot of people that have a gluten intolerance don't know and are diagnosed with anxiety. I thought this was something interesting that anyone on this page may want to consider looking into and potentially eliminating gluten from your diet to see if this feeling diminishes after staying away for at least a few weeks.