View Full Version : Hello, so glad I found this site!!!

24-06-11, 20:10
Hi all :yesyes:
Im Sam, 34 and I've had anxiety and depression for about 13 years now. I'm mom to 2 smashing kids and have a fantastic partner, (who all try their best to understand my HA and OCD)

Have been coping fantasticly for the past two years but I've just hit a relapse with my HA.....and wow am I glad I found this site!

It really makes a difference to find people are in the same boat, and how fab is it that we can share support and understanding!

I can see myself becoming a regular visiter to this site, LOVE IT :yahoo:

24-06-11, 20:14
Hi singinsammy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

26-06-11, 10:59

26-06-11, 11:20
welcome :)

26-06-11, 12:57
Hi There :hugs:

27-06-11, 12:36

The best thing about this site is the fact that we can all laugh at ourselves too xx

paula lynne
27-06-11, 12:58
Hi Sam, so glad you found us, welcome aboard! :welcome:This site is a great support for partners too, who can read and digest info at their own pace. Helped me and my hubby so much, you'll make some great friends here x Paula x