View Full Version : Heart rate

25-04-06, 22:32
Just wanted to post about heart rates as mine seems to beat fast, especially at work. I think part of it could be caused by anxiety and walking around but other times even when I'm doing nothing it can be fast, took it twice at work today and it was 96 and 104. I know this isn't all that bad but still a bit fast. Took it tonight while sat down at home and it was down to 85. Wish I could stop worrying at work coz it's getting me down and makes me feel anxious. Doesn't help having a stressful job. Don't think I'll be staying long-term.

25-04-06, 22:41
Hi Dave,

Mine often beats too fast too and has been alot higher than yours, and sometimes it's too slow, can't win!

Normal heart rates are 60 - 100 bpm on average, a few will be slightly higher or lower as we are all different. 104 is only slightly higher but understandable if you've been stressed at work ar had been moving about a while before taking it. The fact that it is 85 at home in a more relaxed environment is reassuring and normal. My doctor told me not to worry unless my pusle got to 120+ at complete rest and stayed there for hours without ever coming down. Our pulses all go up and down depending on what we're doing or how we're feeling or even due to what we eat or drink. It doesn't sound to me like you have anything to worry about pulse wise, but I know how easy it is to worry, really I do.
It sounds like work is causing alot of your stress so I hope you can sort it out. Make sure you take regular breaks at work, go and get some fresh air, do some breathing exercises ,anything that will relax you a bit.

Good luck,


26-04-06, 10:10
Yeah I'm going to try and go part-time and work for my dad on the other days. Fed up with the stress now.

26-04-06, 10:44
dave it is up because you are worrying about it. even if you say you are not truthfully you must be other wise you would not be taking it.

have you read claire weekes book " self herp for your nerves". if you havent it would really help


26-04-06, 10:45

dave you can get this bok from the site above


26-04-06, 12:49
Well, yes I suppose I am quite aware of it.

I also notice it always increases noticeably after eating, is this normal? I presume it is due to the activity of digestion.

26-04-06, 13:05
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
I also notice it always increases noticeably after eating, is this normal? I presume it is due to the activity of digestion.

<div align="right">Originally posted by Dave - 26 April 2006 : 12:49:56</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Dave,

Yes that's normal too :D.

Good luck with sorting out the job part-time.
