View Full Version : Chronic headache after I get up in mornings, hard to breathe, feel best in bed...!?!

24-06-11, 21:59
So I've seen a doctor twice this week cause I felt soo bad, I had breathing and oxygen levels checked, BP and pulse -all fine except slightly raised pulse.
I had an echo and 24 hr monitor last March, and started Citalopram 20mg last September..
Anyway this last week has been AWFUL! When I get up in the mornings I get this chronic headache, -which I sometimes wonder if it's related to the difficult breathing, but then it always subsides after a while. The finding it hard to braethe properly thing is just there all the time right now.. and I'm barely doing anything -even going on the comuter for a bit can make me feel weird, so I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this, is this all anxiety!!??!

Thanks so much for reading :hugs:

26-06-11, 14:01
Where is the pain in your headache?

I've been feeling breathless a lot but mine were not directly related, I found that I hold my breath a lot so all I could do is focus on breathing techniques every time it's noticed.

I do wake up with headaches a lot though, but that's because I grind my teeth a lot in my sleep, I have read on here though that some people have panic attacks (or like panic attacks) that wake them from their sleep that leaves them breathless and have adrenalin rush that makes them feel sick.

18-08-11, 18:53
Hey, Violet.

I've been having the same breathing issues as you for about half a year now. I really do think it's anxiety. It doesn't happen just when I do strenuous exercise.. It can feel difficult to breathe when I'm just sitting here at my computer.. It does come and go, but for the most part, it feels as though I have problems for more than half of the day. It's often related to thinking about it. Sometimes I can go a little while without thinking about it and it doesn't seem to bother me, until I notice my breathing again.

There have also been a few moments where I'll notice my breathing is fine until I start thinking about it.. Then suddenly my breathing begins to feel very labored and obstructed. I can feel everything in my chest tighten and it feels like I can't take in a deep breath, so I end up yawning repeatedly.

I've constantly been told it's anxiety and have been to the doctors and been checked.. Lungs are fine. So I really do think it's anxiety. I'm on 20mg of Citalopram as well.. Hang in there, you're not alone.

21-08-11, 16:43
ive had that for a long timw to if i dont think about it i dont notice it mine has started up big time again had a lung function test so i know my lungs are ok but it is very scary when it happens the drs told me i developed ocd over my breathing