View Full Version : me again...very scared

25-04-06, 23:14
Sorry everyone for posting so much sorry nicola if im annoying...

ive just read the label of my citralpam 20mg tablets and ive read the side affects... big mistake

the rare symptoms are fainting and comas now im scared i wont wake up when i go bed or il end uup being the unfortunate rare person who ends up in a coma, the thoughts making me feel sick im petrified now.

sorry to go on im feeling very scared i dont know how to change my thought pattern


25-04-06, 23:30

Please dont be scared.

Im on 20mg citalopram as well.

I dont think i can say anything to reassure you. Dont stop your meds though whatever you think

love mandie x

25-04-06, 23:36
Hi Katy,

I can understand your fears, drug leaflets often freak me out, they should ban us anxiety sufferers from having leaflets to read.......

Basically drug companies these days put every single side effect that has ever been noted on their leaflets, just to cover them selves from being sued usually. For instance if someone (even one person) fainted while on this drug it would be included but remember that person may have had another medical condition that caused the faint or could have been hot or whatever, it may not have been the tablet after all as it's often hard to tell what causes a symptom. Many people here take this medication and nothing bad happens. All medication has side effect reported but often these side effects are not really from the medication.
Try and relax and tell yourself you will be ok.

Take care,


26-04-06, 10:19

Does your doctor know just how bad you have been feeling? Are you having any counselling or other help.

As for the Citalopram - how long have you been on it? Perhaps the dosage is not right for you or you might even need different meds.

I really feel for you. Wish I could say something to make you feel better.

26-04-06, 23:01
Katy, I feel for u too, so bad as I have been rite where u r now, many times. Only, u really know yourself how you feel but personally. Although I think it may be good to go, maybe the level of anxiety you are having about this trip is too much and you need to work your way gradually up to an event as stressful as this. In the past, sometimes i've forced myself to go on things which I find extremely stressful and the result (caused by my anxiety) has knocked me back to a nervous wreck. I definately think you should consider maybe not going this time, but waiting untilyou feel more stable on your medication and plan (write out a plan) of small steps you can take to build up to these events in the future. Throwing yourself in at the deepend sometimes can cause more harm than good.But force yourself to follow your plan and you will slowly gain confidence meaning this event in the future will seem like a piece of cake. As i've said, only u really know yourself and you may go and find you have a great time but seeing as how stressed you are, you may not be ready just yet. Will be thinking of you.

27-04-06, 09:46
Hey Katy

You shouldnt worry about posting - thats what this is for, it wouldnt be much of a forum without posts would it!!!!

Katy try and say positive things out loud they sink in better, also say they until you are sick of saying them, you have to retrain your thinking patterns so that the positive are more dominant.

Take Care

Love Pinky

27-04-06, 11:16
Katy i know how you feel when it comes to medication..i am a nightmare, but they wont harm you katy i promise ya love.. give them a try .. its worth the chance to feel better.

ashley x:D