View Full Version : Advice Please

obsessive b
25-06-11, 08:20
Hi been on Cit for 4 weeks this Monday comin. 20mg I have seen an improvement etc but the last few days my anxiety seems to be at a high mind racing constantly worrying my biggest worry is that I have some underlying probme like bipolar etc even though I have been told by several docs, consellors that I haven''t I can' stop worryin -g that this is never going to go away.Is it too soon for the tabs to be working properley I hardly slept last stayed at my friends and this morning I have bad anxiety.


25-06-11, 08:37
Don't think about the bipolar, you would know if you had it- you haven't! You say that you saw improvement with the citalopram so stick with that thought in your mind, you are getting better but there always will be some hard times. Just have to wait for them to go away.

obsessive b
25-06-11, 09:12
Thanks - do you get the odd night where you just can't sleep becud your mind is racing? I think all sorts that I'm gonna go mad or that the tablets aren't gonna work for me :(.The only thing that makes me think I have something else wrong is the anxiety and sometimes I get nervous energy don't get me worng I don't start doing anything abnormal I just can't concentrate on what I'm doing when I'm anxious buut I suppose that's just anxiety for you :(

25-06-11, 16:44
Yeah, i've had the same feelings but mostly in the daytime. It's the anxiety that makes you think there's something else wrong and the tablets won't work for you. But in the end it turns out that nothing i've had thought is true.

obsessive b
25-06-11, 17:13
I know I know it's just crappy when it happens. I'm so tearful today one min ok ish then next crying my poor partner lol. Are you meds working for you now?

25-06-11, 19:20
The meds are working for now, i feel better but still not perfect, it takes time... I've also been prescribed lamotrigine as a mood stabiliser and i'm going to start taking it, hope it will help

obsessive b
26-06-11, 09:50

Glad your starting to feel better - I thought mood stabilisers were used for treatment in Bipolar and you don't have that?


26-06-11, 14:36
No, i don't have (fingers crossed), but the mood stabilisers could also be used for hard unipolar depression. Citalopram will make you feel happy and the lamotrigine will keep that feeling for long time, it could make the recurrent depression and anxiety to hit you more rare in the future- that's what the psychiatrist told me:huh:

obsessive b
26-06-11, 15:22
How bad is yur depression when you get it?

26-06-11, 17:38
I mostly suffer from health anxiety, the depression is mild to moderate when it hits me and it's an effect of the HA, the two things are hand to hand in my case :huh: But this time i suffered the HA with panic attacks and some depression even though i was taking 20mg citalopram for about 1.5 years - that's why the Dr prescribed me 40mg of citalopram and 200mg (gradually) of lamotrigine after unsuccessful trial-and-error experience with 30mg citalopram alone, 20mg citalopram with xanax (benzodiazepine medicine)... I have been suffering from this condition from the beginning of March, hope this combination of tablets works for me

obsessive b
26-06-11, 17:56
Do you work?

26-06-11, 18:19
No, i am a student in master's degree, i don't know what would i do if i worked:ohmy: