View Full Version : Minor surgery for mole removal - hoping wound doesnt get infected

25-06-11, 13:25
A few days ago I had very mnor surgery to remove two moles I was paranoid about, they put in a few stitches, some white thin steri ape and then they put fleshcoloured thicker tape over this. They didnt put any dressings on but gave me dressings to take home. I put one on yesterday but when tried totake it off this morning it nearly ripped the flesh coloured tape off and this was me removing it very slowly and carefully. Should I ha e removed the flesh coloured tape before putting the dressing on? Worried if I should have removed the flesh coloured tpae then itl land up getting infected but also worried that if Im not supposed to take the tape off then doing so will open the wound!

Have a review appoinment to see how the scar is healing but that isnt for another week, have tried NHS direct but they didnt really help, can anyone advise or think of somewhere else I can ring?

30-06-11, 14:03
Went to hospital today for a review of the wound and sadly it is infected!! (cant actually believe I was that unlucky! I was just worrying on the off chance over an infection based on the leaflet they give you to warn you about the signs). The wound is not healing properly and has a line of scabs. They have given me a cream called Polymxin which apparently contains some antibiotics but said I'l have to go back next week again to see what it looks like! Am worried this could be the start of one of those raging infections people get from hospitals that then leads on to complications etc :-s