View Full Version : should i go from 30mg to 40mg ??

25-06-11, 13:35
I started citalopram about 12 weeks ago getting on the slowly up in 5mg's each time I've now been on 30mg about 2-3 weeks and still feel all anxious and horrible don't get me wrong am a lot better than i was b4 i started taking any meds but am wondering shall i go back my doctors and tell them about the way am feeling and asked to be upped a dose or shall i just up them am just feeling kinda weird everyday just a weird (i don't no feeling) like am waiting for something bad to happen x
& just got this horrible shakey feeling inside :(

25-06-11, 14:29
I started at 10mg but found no change, then went to Docs and got it up to 20mg and after 7 weeks still feel very neutral although like you have had some good days. Yesterday was pretty bad and I got an emergency appt and ask Doc if increasing to 40mg would help. He thought it might so took another 20mg tablet and got a new presciption for 40mg and will use the remaining couple of 20mg tabs before starting the 40mg pack. I would not up them yourself as you will run out and have to go back to get more. However starting find that I am spending a bit on prescriptions. I have had three so far. The next time I am going to ask if I can have two or three months worth on one prescription, otherwise I may use the pre paid prescription scheme. I have not noticed much of a change yet as this is my second day on 40mg. No side effects apart from realy bad wind.

25-06-11, 14:32
I started at 10mg but found no change, then went to Docs and got it up to 20mg and after 7 weeks still feel very neutral although like you have had some good days. Yesterday was pretty bad and I got an emergency appt and ask Doc if increasing to 40mg would help. He thought it might so took another 20mg tablet and got a new presciption for 40mg and will use the remaining couple of 20mg tabs before starting the 40mg pack. I would not up them yourself as you will run out and have to go back to get more. However starting find that I am spending a bit on prescriptions. I have had three so far. The next time I am going to ask if I can have two or three months worth on one prescription, otherwise I may use the pre paid prescription scheme. I have not noticed much of a change yet as this is my second day on 40mg. No side effects apart from realy bad wind.

I just thought id be better than i was on 10-20mg but i don't am still having these weird days where its like i dont no what i want like i no i need to eat but i dont feel hungry & dont want to eat and feels as if my insides are trembling and so so tired x

25-06-11, 15:57
This is a very hard one to answer, because it's possible that an increased dose would help, and it is possible that it won't. It really has to be something that you discuss with your GP to explore the options.

For me, after I went to 40mg I felt that I was flogging a dead horse, and I started to feel worse generally (quite foggy, worn down), so it was a case that having seen no improvement from 40mg compared to 30mg, there wasn't a lot of point continuing with it, and I changed to a different medication on the advice of my doctor.

What makes this so hard to give you advice is we are all so different. Some people do well on 30mg, some on 40mg, some on more than that. There is a lot of trial and error involved to find the right dose for you.

25-06-11, 16:56
This is a very hard one to answer, because it's possible that an increased dose would help, and it is possible that it won't. It really has to be something that you discuss with your GP to explore the options.

For me, after I went to 40mg I felt that I was flogging a dead horse, and I started to feel worse generally (quite foggy, worn down), so it was a case that having seen no improvement from 40mg compared to 30mg, there wasn't a lot of point continuing with it, and I changed to a different medication on the advice of my doctor.

What makes this so hard to give you advice is we are all so different. Some people do well on 30mg, some on 40mg, some on more than that. There is a lot of trial and error involved to find the right dose for you.

a year back i was on 20mg for years and did everything alone then i just stopped taking them and then had to start again once all the withdrawals stopped am now up2 30mg and dont feel any different from 20mg i thought id be ok once i reached 20mg again

12-07-11, 12:15
Hi honeyp1e - how are you? Did you go up to 40mg? Hope you are feeling better now anyway.

It's now been 5 months since I started on citalopram and although I feel a little better I still don't feel back to my normal self - still quite anxious and depressed. I've been on 30mg for the last 2 months and always feel very tired, teeth clenching at night and very very poor sleep.

Not sure if I need to increase to 40mg? Just worried that I will feel even more tired during the day and that the sleep at night won't improve.

What do people think?

12-07-11, 13:44
Slowfish if it's any help, I found on Citalopram that each dose increase would help for a longer period as the dosage increased but would still wear off, when I got to 40mg I started to have other side effects (tiredness, feeling foggy and detached, tired, I also had some odd reality/unreality experiences) so didn't want to go any higher, the GP agreed and I changed to Mirtazapine which has been brilliant. However - I know of people who couldn't get on at all with Mirtazapine and others who found 40mg of Citalopram suited them perfectly - so it really is down to trial and error I'm afraid. No one can tell you whether you should go to 40mg because we are all so different in how we react to it. My only suggestion would be if you feel 30mg isn't working anymore then maybe try - with approval of your GP - 40mg and see if that works before considering alternatives.

19-08-11, 07:17
Thanks Ingenious and sorry for taking so long to reply. I upped the dose to 40mg and its been almost 3 weeks of 40mg now. I've definitely had an increase in side effects (feeling tired, teeth clenching, sleep much worse) but during this time I've had some pretty major life changes and managed to keep going and try and stay positive.

I was actually on Mirtazapine for a couple of years but had so many little blips that I went back on Citalopram in March. I was on it for a while some years ago and it really worked well.

It was a really awful period coming off mirt and starting cit earlier this year, so I'd be really worried about switching back in case that happened again.

Should I give this 40mg dose a bit longer? Just so frustrated at the moment. :unsure: