View Full Version : Something Fishy about MM……

25-06-11, 15:53
Hi MM,

We all miss you already and you have hardly gone away on holiday, we are all here to complain, have fun and a laugh though you can join in much later when you get back. This is to show you we really do appreciate you. Even when you slope off from complaints department..lol :roflmao:

That we care for you, this thread is for MM when he gets back, so everyone join in and let MM know what you think of him, How much you all miss him, and have a good laugh too

25-06-11, 16:04
Hi Mel,

I remember when I joined nmp, you were the first one to talk to me, help and give me advice. every time I was in your thread, or someone elses thread, I couldnt remember your user name, so I only remembed the beginning of it, Mel, wow was that something. so I have stuck to calling you Mel, much easier for me to remember. for me to start calling you MM dont feel right. causes there's something fishy about MM....lol

Miss you already, cant wait to you come back. hb, miss ya heaps. hope you sent the tardis back, complaints department needs it. lol

25-06-11, 19:49
Bet oor MM will be sat beside some pool as we speak sipping some exotic drinkypoo and eyeing up the local ladeezzzz. :roflmao:

05-07-11, 16:13
Hi Mel,

since your enjoying soaking up all the sun, dont be over cooked, complaints department need ya in one whole peice....lol


14-07-11, 23:04
After three weeks of sunning himself on his sunbed and feasting his greedy eyes on eye candy .:lac:Its time to get back to his shredding and Antics on here :yesyes:.So a BIG :welcome: HOME MM ... Ive missed you and your humour .Hope you had a great holiday .Just dont think you are getting any more time off this year ...3 weeks is much too long ..how VERY dare you ,you cheeky swine .:curse:..Now back to your duties and usual antics tout sweet ..But please dont show us your white bits not before a good session and stuffing that is ..Me and BB are Ravenous and been drying out whilst you have been filling your self with Turkish delights ...So a welcome home session down at the feathers is first port of call ..See you there ..SHS :D X.ps Nellie has been behaving ,but need s a good gallop ...:winks: lmao ..

14-07-11, 23:17

Well said RHS aka SHS.

I sincerely hope he doesn't think he is going to be paid for his leave of absence!! :lac: What an utter inconvenience this has been. The cleaner has left as she had no mess to clean, Trevor has gone on a low carb, trump free diet so can no longer generate the complaints electricity generator and babs has gone out of business as her Baps are no longer popular.

Bloody rediculous that one persons pleasure can mean others downfalls.

Meet ya in the feathers poppet and lets hope MM doesn't arrive in his thong as that would put me right off me stuffed one...

Much lovvage

15-07-11, 09:07
Mmmm. I reckon there's something fishy going on here since I got back - and it's not BB's old ahems either :wacko:

Many thanks for the welcome back, although it's sad that Yvonne seems to have been recycled through the shredder tssk. Can't keep away from here for 5 mins (or 3 long weeks) without heads being chopped off and thongs going missing etc :lac:

MM will peruse the board in full to see what you naughty wenches have been up to before suitable punishments are handed out :ohmy:

Now, must tend to my white bits *ahem* :shades: