View Full Version : Blood in stool

25-06-11, 16:13
Well guys this is my story

about in February i startred having blood in stool and at first it used to scare me, and even after theh blood i went to the A&E but they ound no hemorrhoids but eventually when i saw my GP she said there was an anal fissure.

wanting to get things checked out and ruling out any complications i decided to see a gastroentologist and he performed a 'colonoscopy' on me - i wasn't really sure if it was a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy (because the procedure lasted like 5-10 minutes and i wasn't on general anesthesia( juist sedated))

the gastroentologist said there was nothing wrong with me but just hemorrhoids etc.
(GP said i had anal fissures)

however, it's late june now, so it's about almost 5 months and i still have blood on the toilet paper when i wipe(although it's a lot less - just every now it'll be on the toilet paper).

i've changed my diet, drank loads of water etc. (this usually happens when i wake up late past my usual passing motion time - in the mornings)

could he have misdiagnosed me?

please help,

much appreciated.

25-06-11, 16:14
also i am a 20 years old

25-06-11, 16:38
hey there, i do believe there is nothing wrong with you, the doctors wud have noticed if there were and ordered further testing, they wouldnt just leave something like this go if they thought there mite be even a slight chance of a problem. ure only 20 aswel, so try not to worry, and its bright red blood its another good thing, the dark tarry like stuff is the stuff to be concerned about. take care and try not to worry. :)