View Full Version : Tongue keeps feeling like it is swelling after eating

25-06-11, 18:32
Hey was just wondering if anyone else ever feels like their tongue is swelling, numb/tingly (lip,cheeks and gums as well)?
Every time i eat i always get this problem which is causing me to eat less as i keep fearing it is an allergic reaction even though it happens even with food i have eaten many times before and am not allergic to.
Any advice will be awesome even if it is just to say it is common etc as hate feeling like i'm alone with this :(

25-06-11, 20:54
if its only when you eat hmm, well when you eat your heart rate goes up which can cause anxiety symptoms.
I'd ask your gp for an allergy test just to put your mind at ease

25-06-11, 22:31
That makes sense.
Yeah will ask my gp as i am getting fed up with it as i'm losing too much weight and get really bad stomach pains due to lack of eating

26-06-11, 05:41
do you worry when you eat ??
i started getting all weird symptoms everytime i was eating ANYTHING so i went my doc's to get a blood test think it was called an IgE it tests the anti-bodies in your blood or something like that i also had an Anti-TTG this tests for celiac diease anyway the celiac came back negative but the other came back as high allergies this was last oct (still dont no what my allergy is) anyway my doc refered my notes to an allergy clinic and i was waiting an appointment time went on so i rang them and asked y i hadnt heard from them and there reply was that my appointment had been canceled by the allergy doctor himself and the reason for this was - ""Allergy doc - after reading your notes / symptoms etc i myself think that you DO NOT have an allergy but sounds more of an intolerance.... just because peoples bloods show up as high allergies does not mean that it is 100% an allergy and could mean many of things i have basically gone by your symptoms and it does not make me think you need to come into clinic for an allergy test and now i am refering you back to you GP)

so this just made me worry even more as i was still getting symptoms ( tingling weird feeling in mouth like it was swelling / horrible tremble feeling in body / extreme tiredness and more this was all happening no matter what i ate so i went and paid for two intolerance tests a vega test (which is just a machine that test against your pulse or something and then a blood one anyway they both came back as having an intolerance to wheat so i cut out all wheat well i went on a gluten free diet anyway i was still getting some symptoms :weep: & when i thought back about all this and the eating i realized that the days i was getting a lot of symptoms was when i would be really anxious before i ate as i would sit there and worry that if i ate this am gonna get those horrible symptoms etc and 99% of the times i did so now i just make sure i keep my mind busy while eating etc just not think about symptoms or anythin and some of them have now stopped (am stil on a gluten free diet as ive just got used to that and i cant eat wheat anyway) but am still getting some symptoms and i have now had i think every blooming test in the doctors & hosppitals and nothing is coming back everything is negative am just now waiting on an endoscopy then i think that is every test and if that shows nothing then i will have to accept that yes its all IBS & in my head that am causing myself x x
so hopefully you will get sorted soon as because i no how frustrating this can be trying to find out what is causing all these symptoms so if your bloods come back clear then get an intolerance tests to rule that out x x

04-11-11, 23:15
I have been feeling like that for a long time. Usually the feeling settles down overnight but this time it's been a week and it still feels like it's swollen from the sides. It is driving me insane.
I don't know if it is a food allergy or anxiety or am I just mad. Because honestly I have started to feel mad. I am waiting to hear back from the GP with a referance for an allergy doctor.
I was thinking of taking piriton meanwhile and seeing if that helps but i am scared (as i am an overly worrying individual) that i might react to an antihistamine...is that even possible???
That said..I do feel that anxiety and stress might be the underlying causes. I stress about being stress....:wacko: