View Full Version : Hello

25-06-11, 19:54
I'm a 42 year old female who suffers from bouts of anxiety and feelings of panic. I've never been medically diagnosed, but have always tried to deal with these issues alone. Having discovered this site, it would be great to hear from anyone else out there with similar issues.

25-06-11, 19:55
Hi Sarah68

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-06-11, 22:05
hi there sarah, and its good to have you with us your in the right place for advice, support and friendship having these symptoms can be very hard to discuss with people who dont suffer from this condition because they just dont understand how awfull these feelings can become, i mean truly horrible i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks there just awfull when im in one you just have to try and tell yourself you are gonna be fine and it will pass i know thats not as simple as it sounds i used to be on meds a few years ago but they have recently returned im like you i guess or maybe not we will see it has really restricted my life used to love traveling not anymore normal day to day things become a chore and you think is this it then this is how my life is gonna be bleake but it doesnt have to be that way go and see your gp and let them know how your feeling!! better out than in they say, jeez i only wanted to say a couple off words lol oh well oh the chat room is good loads off nice people in there you can only use it after you have been a member for 5days i think anyway good luck :)

25-06-11, 22:38
I'm new on here as well but already am so much more comforted by this site as it is a way to get advice and help.
It can be hard talking to gps about it seeing as soon as having been diagnosed anything you feel is automatically dismissed as just the anxiety or panic so is harder to actually be reassured..but that may just be my personal feelings.
Hope this site is as helpful to you as has been for me :) x

25-06-11, 22:48
Hi, I'm 55 female with long time anxiety. You will find kind and helpful people here. Join chat sometime too. :)

26-06-11, 10:52
welcome :)

26-06-11, 10:57
I have severe panic attacks. I have suffered for over 8 years.