View Full Version : White Tongue?!

25-06-11, 20:58
My Tongue seems pretty White. And more so at the back of it. It's not drastically white, not sure what it is. But I'm worried it's oral thrush, anyone else know what I mean? Is it normal?

26-06-11, 00:13
Hi there,

I get this too. Noticeably in the mornings which I guess is just a build up of bacteria or similar prior to brushing. I also get this due to dehydration as I am terrible when it comes to drinking enough. Could either of these explain yours?

26-06-11, 00:20
Do you smoke or drink alcohol and have a bad diet?

All of these can effect it

26-06-11, 12:57
I get this too now and again, neither dentists or doctors when I have been to see them for something unrelated have commented on it, so I'm sure this is pretty normal. It seems to come and go over the years and I agree that diet and wellbeing have a lot to do with it.

Have a look at your oral hygiene and keeping your mouth healthy in general, for example, floss daily, a tongue scraper can be good for cleaning it up, or brush your tongue with your toothbrush, all good advice for a healthy mouth :)

21-07-11, 17:53
It still seems pretty white. I mean is oral thrush like noticeably obvious? It's not like a coating of thick White stuff, it's more like a thin layer of White stuff. Thicker at the back though.

21-07-11, 18:21
I think Thrush is sore and painful as well, so I don't think it's that

21-07-11, 19:20
Hi i get this to. Ive never really paid attention to it before but ive seen a dentist/doctor many times that have looked in my mouth and theyve never mentioned it

21-07-11, 19:29
i had thrush throughout my pregnancy last year and it was so painfull i couldnt eat a thing, my tongue is still white every moning my gp has said it is due to lack of fluids hope this helps

21-07-11, 20:06
Hi not sure if I can help... but find this extremely coincidental as I posted something similar the other day.

Tongue is also white especially at the back and I have a strong metallic taste to go with, no amount of brushing seems to help. A visit to the Docs two days ago resulted in could be Thrush and he has given me drops 1ml 4 x day.....disgusting!!!!

Im not convinced but it can't do me any harm finishing the course... so will let you know of any improvements.
Hope this helps?


21-07-11, 20:44
I have a thick YELLOW coating on my tongue. I have seen the doctor as it is very obvious. The doctor told me that white/yellow coating (without pain) is normal and usually diet related. It doesn't mean that you have a bad diet either (just to do with the acidity in your diet)... the doctor guessed I was a veggie by looking at my tongue. I still worry about my tongue quietly :blush:

21-07-11, 21:44
Thanks guys :) I feel better about it now.

Vanilla Sky
21-07-11, 22:23
Use a tounge scraper , you can get one in supermarket , this will take the white away , might take a few times , dont go mad with it though

10-01-12, 18:21
I know this is an old thread now, but I've had this too, on and off for months. I saw the GP and dentist but after tests for yeast infections was advised everything is fine.

I can only describe my tongue as feeling burnt (like when you burn the tip of your tongue, but all over), which causes a metallic taste and having a coating of a white/yellowy film (some days thicker than others), and is generally worse at the back.

There is a condition called "burnt tongue syndrome", but I actually believe its anx related - the tongue is full of nerve endings, and like some of the eye problems/visual disturbances that come with anx, so does nerve damage to the tongue.

I personally notice that the more anx I am, the worse my tongue is.