View Full Version : SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

26-04-06, 03:03
:(Somebody please help me!!!!!!! I have been stuck inside my house for years cause I have agoraphobia and I have extreme!!! anxiety and panic attacks iv been like this for 5 years 4 years really bad and its to the point im scared of everything im scared to sneeze im scared to cough im scared of heartburn im scared of hiccups im just about scared of everything now and it eats me up inside all day I cant eat hardly cause iv got anxiety stuck in my stomic I am skin and bones I only weigh like 125 pounds it takes me forever to get down a sandwich I have soo much anxiety that it makes me gag all the time I just don’t know what to do anymore ive been stuck in this house for so long that I have derealization and its like nothings real anymore I lay and shake like crazy coming down from a panic attack and I have bad allergies now and its hard to sleep and wake up with post nasal drip and having to sneeze and having anxiety and panic attacks cause I sneezing its like as soon as I wake up it’s a whole day of torture and suffering and I get scared cause im all alone in the day and I cant take care of myself when this happens I cant eat or fix myself something to eat it is soooooooo hard for me im sooo messed up I just don’t know what to do over the years ive tried all the meds and seen all the docs and had all the tests and nothing Im just soooo sick and out of it I can barely type this but if anybody feels the same as me tell me cause I would like to talk to them thanx…….:(

26-04-06, 10:03
there are many people here who will relate to the not going out. i know there are people who are afraid to eat in case they get a reaction. i can relate to the coughing fear and many others yuo mention.

i have no miracle cure just want to let you know you are not alone, but you must eat. can you get a blender and start making smoothies for a start just to get your strength, you must eat as its is essential to feed you r mind as well as your body. a good diet is essentail to getting better from this horrible thing, even if it is just loads of fruit smoothied for the minute

does this help


26-04-06, 11:24

So sorry to hear you are going through a bad time at the moment, i can really understand what you are going through, i my self am Agoraphobic i was house bound for 2 years and never thought that i would get better, it is a hard battle but one that you can beat my friend, the longer you stay indoors the harder it gets though, you have to take little steps at a time. out of the 2 years i was house bound i spent 6 of those months in my bedroom, the panic was terrible if i came down stairs, but with the right medication( which i have a phobia also, but believe me now am i glad i took them)i started to make small steps, it took me weeks to eventually manage to get to the top of the street everyday i went a few steps futhur which built up my confidence till eventually i managed to get into town with my husband, a year after that i was fine, i could shop, i went on holiday to cornwall, went to school activities to watch the children in plays etc and even managed to work part-time.

Recently though i have had a setback, and havent worked for a month now, i have spent most of my time at home and begining to find it hard going out again,the more time i seem to spend at home the harder it is to go outdoors, so the last week i having been forcing my self to go out for a drive in the car with my husband, i think thats the most important thing to do, you have to try to go outside little steps at a time though and try a few more steps the next day and so on. Agorophobia can be beaten my friend,
Small steps lead to big steps !!

Love Andrea

26-04-06, 11:27
Hi, Im sorry to read you feel so bad in yourself, it sounds like you have suffered a long time and you say that you are afraid of everything which shows us how easily the anxiety grows, moving on to one thing then another and taking a total grip over your life.

Have you had CBT ? who have you seen in the past ?
You really need someone in your corner at the moment helping you understand how this has all happened to you.

4 years ago i was exactly like you, so i know how awful it is to face the day when you feel so bad inside BUT here i am today still gripped with anxiety and having panics out side of the house, yes i got out there with lots and lots of set backs, everday i worry can i go out there and act NORMAL ? most days i seem to pull it off, i may feel shakey and sick and dizzy but whats the alternative ?
I went to my local market today and had a big panic , now i do not run, i wont allow my self to run AWAY any more because as soon as i do that- I am reinforcing the message to my brain that this place is DANGEROUS,
and will retreat further into the house.

Please please step out of your house onto the doorstep everyday for the next week and when you feel the fear - STAY,
each day increase the time from 1 second - 1 minute
and let us know how you get on, we are all behind you 100%.


26-04-06, 14:57
Hi there, am so sorry you are feeling so awful right now, you will find a lot of useful information on this site, so please read through it all very carefully. You will realise you are not alone with your feelings and that things can and will improve. The only thing i can suggest to begin with is, perhaps try to eat a little bit, maybe try soups/milkshakes/bananas absolutely anything little and often. This will make you feel a little better and give you a tiny bit of strength, i really understand how hard this will be, but once you gain a little strength then you may be able to move about a little during the day? It is a gradual thing (and not easy) but it can be done and you will do it. Do you have any support at home? If so maybe some-one could leave you a little light food for you during the day? am sorry of no great help, but you are not alone and will find a lot of support here. take care and keep in touch xx

26-04-06, 15:13
[quote]<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">

Am new on here.. had bad attacks years ago and, well it seems they are back! Feel really down today and spaced out, aboth normal symptoma after an attack. Was in the queue at the post office yesterday, all of a sudden bang!!! seemed like i missed a heart beat or something, hit me in the chest, throat, sent a rush of blood to my head and made me feel light headed for split second, shaky hands, feeling clammy..then after all that in quick succession... a racing heart. the world seems to have gone silent and slowerd right down!! Now what your thinking is "shi* where are the exits??!!!"so you can run to the nearest place where u feel at ease or have some sort of back up, be it from person who "knows you in this way" or just back to your desk at work, maybe even a toilet cubicle where u can hide... Did I run though?? NO WAY!! I stood there, took deep breaths, took out the form i was handing in and pretended to read it, making myself concentrate on the words, it seems as though you only have to take your mind away from the attack for seconds and composure is regained, or at least enough for you not to run away! You must NEVER run, ever. or that is it.. its got you. You have to treat this like its your worst enemy or like you would a bully, cos thats what it is!! you have to say to it/him/her " get away from me, get out of my life!!" you do not scare me!" " what's the worst you can do to me ay?" answer to that is NOTHING! the worst is u may pass out, big wow! someone will pick u up and anyway that wont happen. Grow to hate this awful bully...Fight the ******* all the way! The best thing that can happen for us sufferers is that we have one in front of a queue of people, you find out that no one really notices/cares.. even if they do who are they ay?! will you see them again? Being scared of the EMBARRASSMENT is what causes the fear/anxiety. I feel really down today after yesterdays episode but will i avoid the post office tomorrow NO WAY! In fact I'll make a point of going there and thats what you should do, stand up and face it. Besides you'll be surprised at how many others in the queue feel exactly the same as you do. I am scared, I am down but I HATE THIS ******* BULLY it/he/she aint ruining my life no way!

Sorry if this was harsh, wasno reflection on or answer to anyone specifically, just how I feel. had to get it out!

Thanks for reading.

:(]Somebody please help me!!!!!!! I have been stuck inside my house for years cause I have agoraphobia and I have extreme!!! anxiety and panic attacks iv been like this for 5 years 4 years really bad and its to the point im scared of everything im scared to sneeze im scared to cough im scared of heartburn im scared of hiccups im just about scared of everything now and it eats me up inside all day I cant eat hardly cause iv got anxiety stuck in my stomic I am skin and bones I only weigh like 125 pounds it takes me forever to get down a sandwich I have soo much anxiety that it makes me gag all the time I just don’t know what to do anymore ive been stuck in this house for so long that I have derealization and its like nothings real anymore I lay and shake like crazy coming down from a panic attack and I have bad allergies now and its hard to sleep and wake up with post nasal drip and having to sneeze and having anxiety and panic attacks cause I sneezing its like as soon as I wake up it’s a whole day of torture and suffering and I get scared cause im all alone in the day and I cant take care of myself when this happens I cant eat or fix myself something to eat it is soooooooo hard for me im sooo messed up I just don’t know what to do over the years ive tried all the meds and seen all the docs and had all the tests and nothing Im just soooo sick and out of it I can barely type this but if anybody feels the same as me tell me cause I would like to talk to them thanx…….:(

28-04-06, 19:31
Hi I'm really sorry to hear how your feeling at present.

I think the first step you need to take is to see your GP. They are always happy to see you at home if you explain what is happening. If you feel you can't call get a friend or family member to do it on your behalf. Don't feel you can't speak out. Cbt from what you said would be very helpful.

I hope you can make the first step though it may be hard you can make a better life for your self .

Any thing is possible.

Kind Regards