View Full Version : Not knowing what day/date or time it is

26-06-11, 07:45
Hi there,firstly apologies if this thread/post is in the wrong section,as i wasnt sure what critera my query came under.
Has anyone else had/has this experience please? Everyday i am not sure what day/date or time it is (i now wear a watch) i am terrified i have dementia or something else. sometimes i walk down the road and get a flush of panic and i worry i am wearing slippers,instead of shoes....
This all started at the end of April 2011 and i am trying to think if i took any new tablets then or something had happened to trigger it off.
(The only difference i can think of is i started to take high strength VIT B complax about then)
It makes my life very uncomfortable,almost unbearable,i have to have a routine to try to help me knowing what time of day it is etc.
Any support,answers will be gratefully appreciated,thank you.

26-06-11, 10:34
:weep:Please can anyone help me with this?

26-06-11, 10:55
Anyone please? Im getting so panicky about this :scared15:

26-06-11, 11:31
Hi there
I have had these same worries. It is anxiety. The more you worry about forgetting things the more you will forget. I forget what day it is etc all the time. The difference is that when I am not anxious I don't focus on it and so it doesn't bother me. However as soon as my anxiety is high and I start focussing on my memory I notice it all the time. You are fine x

26-06-11, 11:37
Thank you for your reply,i just seem to be getting worse and hoped id be better soon. Im taking HRT,as im possibly Pre-Menopausal,so i hope that helps. Thanks again.