View Full Version : Time of day for citalopram ??

26-06-11, 10:11
Hi, Could anyone taking citalopram please post the time of day they take it, and why, i take mine in the morning around 8.30, and just wondered if it would be better taken later, or even at night, this is mainly because the mornings can be tough, and i always feel better in the evening, any advice would be appreciated, thank you all again :hugs:

26-06-11, 11:24
I was told by my Dr to take mine at dinner time in the evening. This means that any issues or side effects are normally resolved that night and in the morning feeling fine.

26-06-11, 12:36
I take mine at night around 10pm. I started off taking it in the morning, but it made me tired in the afternoon so I switched. I find it helps me sleep when I take it at night.

26-06-11, 12:57
I was taking 30mg in the morning, about 8.30am, but felt quite tired and sometimes nauseous for the rest of the day. So switched to 10mg in the morning and 20mg at night, about 10pm, two weeks ago and I feel better during the day. Also sleeping a bit better at night.

Still don't feel back to my old self though!

We'll get there pinkdove, its just a case of trial and error to find the right dose, right time to take it, etc. Frustrating though isn't it?!

26-06-11, 13:21
I'm on 10mg Citalopram. I used to take it in the evening as suggested by my doctor but after a few weeks changed to taking it in the afternoon and eventually in the morning because i just could not get to sleep when i took it too late.

26-06-11, 13:48
im on 40 mg and take it just before i go to bed. Dr never said when to take it i just do what suits me :)

26-06-11, 14:38
In the medicine leaflet is said that it doesn't matter when you take it, the recommendation is to take it at the same time every day- that's the important thing.

27-06-11, 08:39
My doc told me to take it in the morning so I take mine at 10.15, the reason I leave it a bit later is you're supposed to take it at the same time every day and that way i can have a long lie on the weekends if I ever get the chance :)

27-06-11, 10:21
Thanks Guys, I'm thinking of changing mine to early evening. so i haven;t taken it yet today, should i take it a little later each day untill i am on evenings ? or should i just take it tonight ? i thought maybe about 6-7pm. thanks in advance xx :hugs:

27-06-11, 10:35
I would have thought that if you change it once it wont matter. So just for today take it in the evening. Then every day from now take it at the same time.

30-06-11, 11:50
Hi Guys, and thanks for all your comments, well i took my dose of citalopram on monday around 5pm, and i think it is helping during the day, maybe a little early to tell, but i do feel better and seem to have more energy lol here's hoping. take care xx :hugs: