View Full Version : constanly wanting to eat & eat

26-06-11, 11:34
Lately I've been just wanting to eat & eat no matter how much I eat or even if I feel full I still wanna eat its really getting frustrating now and I don't no what is causing it?
Doc said cud just be normal or that am missing something from my diet !!!!
Does anyone else get this and if so how do u stop it ??

26-06-11, 12:29
Hi honeyp1e, I don't mean to be too personal, but what meds are you on. If you are on meds it's worth looking up the side effects, as some can make you eat and eat. I have been there and had the over sized t-shirt!:D

26-06-11, 18:00
Hi honeyp1e, I don't mean to be too personal, but what meds are you on. If you are on meds it's worth looking up the side effects, as some can make you eat and eat. I have been there and had the over sized t-shirt!:D

hi hun am on citalopram.....
little bit bout me so you have bit more info i stopped eating aug 2010 as my anxiety went sky high and i lost all appetite :weep: anyway this went on till about march - april this year then i went back onto citalopram am now up2 30mg's but i started eating again bout 8weeks or so ago and have now re-gained my weight as i went from 8st right down to just on 5stone am now 7st 14lb :D but i get days where i just wanna eat & eat then the next day i can just lose appetite again and not eat :weep: then the next can wanna eat & eat again its mad i also now have ibs & i suffer with the worse acid EVER but the eating is getting to me as its always for chocolate and crap

26-06-11, 23:04
Hello again, it sounds like you have a few issues around food; it's your best friend and your worst enemy. I can associate with that, I have been known to comfort eat on more than one occasion:blush: and then feel guilty for it the next day:noangel:. My meds give me well bad acid indigestion, doc put me on Omeprazole and it's completely gone:yahoo:.

27-06-11, 06:57
Hello again, it sounds like you have a few issues around food; it's your best friend and your worst enemy. I can associate with that, I have been known to comfort eat on more than one occasion:blush: and then feel guilty for it the next day:noangel:. My meds give me well bad acid indigestion, doc put me on Omeprazole and it's completely gone:yahoo:.

yes that's what i was on omeprazole & stopped them like a fool once i started feeling better didn't realize you had to stick with them :huh: so starting them again today my problem with food started in about aug - sept when i stopped eating cos when my anxiety is bad i lose appetite then i started getting all these horrible symptoms when i started eating again anyway after all tests found out i have a wheat intolerance but alot of it was worry before even eating :( am also emetophobic (fear of vomiting)(i always think i have eaten to much and will be sick etc) so then that kicked off which it has never bothered me b4 this has all happened since aug 2010 when i just put my citalopram in the bin i now so wish i would of weaned off them maybe i wouldn't of gone through such a bad tims like i have been x x

27-06-11, 19:02
when you dont eat for a few days your body goes into starvation mode, then when you start eating eating again your body goes into binge eat mode to make up for the lost calories.

it's the reason those milkshake diets don't work, after weeks of starving, once you go back to real food you'll feel an incredible urge to eat past the point of feeling full.

28-06-11, 10:30
when you dont eat for a few days your body goes into starvation mode, then when you start eating eating again your body goes into binge eat mode to make up for the lost calories.

it's the reason those milkshake diets don't work, after weeks of starving, once you go back to real food you'll feel an incredible urge to eat past the point of feeling full.

yes thats what its like i never feel full i just wanna eat & eat & eat then one min i get feel dead full other times i wanna eat & eat again constanly but i have been eating normal now for a good 10weeks or more i thought id be ok now ???? its really driving me round the bend as feel as if am eating all day !!

28-06-11, 11:57
I have the eat all the time thing sometimes, and other times no appetite too. Like the others say, its your body adjusting. I think I have some food issues too.... in fact I am just about recovered from lots of weight loss now.!! I just need to stay here!! No more, no less. This middle ground is so hard to maintain!

Enjoy your chocolate ( just had some myself) as long as you eat healthy things too.

Hyperyogi x x

28-06-11, 15:46
I would go through periods during my last depression of wanting to eat and eat, before I went on a proper diet and exercise (which helped a lot with mood! but was hungry to begin with) I bought a second hand popcorn machine and ate plain popcorn.

Its pretty empty calories, but it's pretty good fresh and by the time you're totally bored with it hopefully you'll not feel the desire to just eat all the time.

It's not a great practical solution, but it's better than eating chocolate/crisps/biscuits?

Hope you feel better soon!

28-06-11, 16:54
I was on mirtazapine for a week and had a voracious appetite on it. About half an hour after a meal I was thinking and salivating about the next!! I came off it principally due to that side effect.

Yes I heard popcorn is good for filling you up and is not calorific and you're so right it's much better than snacking on chocolate and crisps. Apparently these dietician's to the stars recommend it for weight control - Madonna eats lots of or so I'm told :ohmy:

Belle xx

29-06-11, 17:30
Thanks Guys its just getting annoying cos even days with no appetite the back of my mind really wants to eat but my mouth or belly don't :weep:
and as am emetophonic (fear of vomiting) i think and worry i will over eat & be sick :scared15: i hate it so much and am constanly feeling bad nausea :weep:

29-06-11, 18:03
Hi There
You will be fine you wont be sick
It is all in our minds
Have a good holiday and dont forget your medicatrion this time lol


01-07-11, 13:41
Eating is fun :)

02-07-11, 08:35
Yes it is but I have a phobia of vomiting so can have days where I eat even if its just one thing then my mind thinks " oh god I've eaten to much am gonna be sick etc" I haven't always been like this only the past few months and its really getting me down :(