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View Full Version : Not health anxiety for me as such...

26-06-11, 12:07
Hi there :hugs:

Well, I am in an interesting situation :blush: I have experienced health anxiety in the past, and still do. Right now, my health anxiety isn't so much based around me, its about my other half.

My "OH" is 23 and has really bad arthritis. She has a very painful wrist that has got so bad, she needs to have an operation. Without going into details she is going to have a wrist fusion, and I am looking forward to how this is going to help her and relieve a lot of pain.

But I am so worried about her! She got her pre-op assessment appointment a couple of days ago, and if that goins okay, she will be having the operation in the next couple of months. I am staying calm about it all when I am with her, but when I am alone and thinking, I get so anxious and into a panic :blush: I am so worried about her going into hospital and having the anaesthetic and whether she will be okay during the operation and afterwards. :blush: I in a sense getting into almost a terror about it. I know that the doctors at the hospital ( which is a specialist one for arthritis and such) have done this operation hundreds of times and know exactly what they are doing... but I'm still getting in a state.

Also I am worried about afterwards. I have read that my workplace has carers leave available, and I am going to ask about it, but I'm anxious that I won't be able to get it, and my OH will be struggling at home all day without me. I have to leave the house at 6am, and often don't get home till 7pm (hate my job! :whistles:)

I'm just a bag of nerves!