View Full Version : Weird feeling. Starting to panic

Natalie x
26-06-11, 16:43
Hi. A while ago I was out shopping with my Mum and we just came out from having a coffee and I started to feel all shaky inside and my legs were all weak. My eyes then went funny and was as though things were jumping around if that makes sense and I felt weak. My mind is now racing with negative and scary thoughts and am worried something may happen. Can anyone reassure? Thanks x

26-06-11, 17:41
I guess nothing's wrong with you, maybe a moment of weakness, something normal with these conditions. Try to eat something sweat, maybe it will help you

26-06-11, 17:49
I can understand those symptoms too.
Hope you feel better soon.

Natalie x
26-06-11, 20:07
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm just trying not to think about it and focus on other things annd watch tv x