View Full Version : Just got an electric shock, please reassure me :(

26-06-11, 20:51
Hey guys,

I just had a pretty horrible brush with electricity. I just got a pretty nasty electric shock off my brother's phone charger which was plugged into the mains. I was leaning over his desk and I accidentally brushed it with my wrist and felt myself get a nasty shock off it up my arm.

My heart went racing like crazy and I suddenly felt very weak and like I got head-rush (tunnel vision) and felt like I was going to be sick.

This was about 15 minutes ago, and I my heart is still beating quite fast and I feel a bit panicky. Not feeling ill exactly, but just a bit off, but i'm not sure if it's anxiety or not. =/

Am I going to be okay after? I just searched electric shocks on this site and somebody wrote that electric shocks can interfere with your heart rate. Is my heart going to stop? I'm feeling very anxious right now but I'm not sure if it' just anxiety or something else. Please talk to me, I'm scared something's going to happen :(

26-06-11, 21:01
Right, either there is something wrong with me or I'm just having a panic attack right now. Both of my hands are shaking and tingling really bad and my heart rate just kicked in again :(

26-06-11, 21:06
Maybe it is just the adrenaline and anxiety now.

26-06-11, 21:08
That's what I am hoping. Do you know if electric shocks can affect you even after they have happened?

26-06-11, 21:13
That I don't know. I remember another post of someone asking about electrical schock, but I don't know exactly where that is now.

26-06-11, 21:44
Anybody? My chest is really starting to ache.

26-06-11, 21:58
Thank you Lolly, that is very reassuring. The shock didn't throw me backwards or anything, but I flinched at lightening speed (oh punny) and the effect was instantaneous, feeling faint and weak.

My chest is aching pretty bad right now, but I think it's just down to the anxiety...I was doing some heavy lifting earlier as well, so it's probably a combination of the two.

What a feeling! I definitely don't wanna be doing that again :p

26-06-11, 22:35
Like everyone else has said - if you are not dead then you are alright!

I got an electric shock a couple of months ago from static build-up inside the hose from my dust extractor (woodwork is a hobby of mine). It arced over an inch and went through 4 layers of clothing. Made my entire left hand, arm and shoulder numb for nearly 3 hours afterwards. What was more lucky was that the dust didn't ignite otherwise I probably wouldn't be here, and my shed would have ended up in next doors garden! Spooked the hell out of me though and like you I got very conscious of every ache and pain I felt and attributed it to the shock when it most probably was something else.

I read somewhere that static shocks are very high voltage but low current and to arc over an inch would have been over 30000v so no wonder it bloody hurt!


26-06-11, 22:45
Hopefully the reasssurance here will help you calm down, and feel better. :-)

26-06-11, 23:02
Thanks guys :)

I'm feeling better now. I had a chat with my dad, who's a 24/7 handyman. He said if it was going to stop my heart it would have done instantly and he told me about some of the MANY shocks he's had in his life, so I managed to laugh off the rest of my anxiety. Feeling pretty good now, just tired and very warm! This weather has been sweltering lately!

26-06-11, 23:04
So glad you are better and dad was there to help you.:yesyes:

09-10-15, 04:36
I get ocd with this and lights.

Last night I washed my hands and dried them turned light off and I feared I got a shock. In my head I worry about it before hand and is seemed to have a sting feeling sensation when I went upstairs after words could be anxiety maybe? Will I die and am I ok? I prob never got shocked and the feeling is now easing but i fear if my hand wasn't 100% dry I could have some shocks or in the future it could shock me? :blush:

09-10-15, 05:56
You will be fine, Phil. We get small shocks all the time and they make us jump a little. To have a real dangerous one you need to be in contact with something a lot more powerful than lights as they use very minimal levels of electricity. Putting your fingers in the plug sockets, for instance, or touching exposed cables.

27-05-16, 19:10
love this site really calms me down.got shocked like crazy from a pc case.had a insta panic attack.

27-05-16, 19:27
The electric shock can cause an arrhythmia in your heart, particularly if it's strong enough. The good thing is that the heart is usually pretty good at resetting itself, which is what it did here.

You're good!