View Full Version : Warm weather

27-06-11, 10:17
Hey all, is it just me or do your feel that your pains get worse when your hot or when you go out in hot weather? I usually get my chest pains more when i get over heated just wondering if anyone else felt like this?

27-06-11, 10:34
Im finding my tiredness and insomnia is alot worse in the hot weather. I hope your symptoms ease x

27-06-11, 11:43
I'm hating the heat, everything's worse :(

27-06-11, 11:46
It does make everything worse :(

paula lynne
27-06-11, 13:02
Terrible! Went to bed with fan on last night, managed 3 hours before waking in a sweat with palps...bring on the thunderstorms! (My migraines are really bad too :mad:)
Plenty of fluids and rest up. x

27-06-11, 13:30
Yeah went for 10 min walk and within 3 minutes was feeling like i was going to pass out,chest hurt and throat felt like was closing,even drinking water didn't help.Keep getting really bad aches in all my muscles and severe headaches, never thought would say it but bring on winter

27-06-11, 15:45
Heat makes me so much more anxious. Got a very bad headache and felt tired for the last 2 days. :(

27-06-11, 15:56
I have the fan on every night, it helps me sleep the sound, but i still couldnt sleep even with it on, im still waiting for these thunderstorms they should of arrived here in the midllands but havent yet :(

27-06-11, 16:46
I have the fan on every night, it helps me sleep the sound, but i still couldnt sleep even with it on, im still waiting for these thunderstorms they should of arrived here in the midllands but havent yet :(

Midlands here also! Looking forward to the storms that's for sure. :yesyes:

27-06-11, 17:18
It started to rain a second ago when i was in the garden then stopped how unfair, be good to hear a good thunderstorm

27-06-11, 18:05
I don't hate the sunshine, just the flaming humidity and heavy, heavy air.

It just exacerbates the 'not being able to breathe' thing with anxiety, even when you don't feel very anxious!!

I had to sign on this morning -which I loathe anyway - and not only was I trying to keep a lid on a rising panic attack - but also had to contend with the UNBEARABLE heat in the place. It was like a bloody oven.

Stress/anxiety/panic and heat just don't mix at all.:mad:

27-06-11, 18:12
Well I guess you'd all like to be where I am, and I'd like to be where you are!
Spare a thought for us in the West of Ireland. Today we had a high of 13 degrees-and this has been one of our better days. I long for warm sunshine on my skin. I'm tired of the cold. We are having an awful summer weather-wise; cold and wet and dark. It's like that long cold winter is still going on. I hope we get some of your lovely sunshine soon.

27-06-11, 18:21
It's the cold I have problems with. I prefer the heat generally, except at night when I'm trying to sleep.

27-06-11, 20:56
Rain - sending you the sunshine have it all lol xx

27-06-11, 21:29
Breathing.....anyones chest tighter and shortness of breath from the heat? And now getting little boggles in my chest snd can't stop sweating aaaaarrrrgggghhh I want snow

27-06-11, 21:39
Nice question,
And the answer from me is YES this weather plays me up like mad.
Makes breathing harder, my aches and pains worse and means i miss out on the kids as spend most of my time indoors blinds closed and the aircon turned up full.

Have read online their may be a herbal cure for heat intolerance (think i will be tryin it).

27-06-11, 22:08
Really I swear anxiety is si high today convinced the heat will kill me

28-06-11, 15:06
The heat makes me feel like I can't breathe as well. Plus 2 nights of hardly any sleep due to it being too hot = PANIC!!!! lol x

28-06-11, 16:39
Well I guess you'd all like to be where I am, and I'd like to be where you are!
Spare a thought for us in the West of Ireland. Today we had a high of 13 degrees-and this has been one of our better days. I long for warm sunshine on my skin. I'm tired of the cold. We are having an awful summer weather-wise; cold and wet and dark. It's like that long cold winter is still going on. I hope we get some of your lovely sunshine soon.

Hi Rain,

I'd love to swap places with you in a nano second!! I came from Ireland many years ago - another lifetime. Sometimes when I'm watching the weather forecast and it's hot and humid here and feels like hell's kitchen I glance across the screen at Ireland and envy the cool temperatures. Be careful what you wish for! :)

Belle xx

28-06-11, 18:29
:)Thank GOd i had a good sleep last night, was worried how hot it was that i wouldnt sleep, i slept nearly straight thru, least its not been so hot today

28-06-11, 21:28
Hi, you are really lucky...I posted about the heat and had to repost twice just to get one remark. I guess it depends on who you are here that you get replies

28-06-11, 21:40
Hi hub I only came back on after weeks yesterday so dint see otherwise would have respondedxxx

19-07-11, 15:02
i suffer with the heat too , i have only just found out that i have panic attacks and it all started when i thought i was too hot thinking i was ill :( now i hate the fact of the feeling i have , being trapped and hot which causes me to feel faint dizzy . can anyone give me advice on why i can't eat at the moment which is making all worse because i feel weak , i have been drinking complan to build me up but i think all the stress of the panics that i knewly discovered is making me feel not hungry ... i had soup last night and it warm my chest which made me panic , how pathetic :(