View Full Version : Full of cold:-(

27-06-11, 10:29
I thought it was hayfever last week but then on Sunday I was very congested in my right nostril, exhausted and feeling generally off colour. Me being me my anxiety has hit badly and I am freting it is sinusitis and it is an old fear of mine that i will get meningitis as it is a rare complication of sinus problems. I know that as I used to suffer years ago with my sinuses alot and I did far too much googling:blush:

This morning I woke up feeling a tad better but still congested, it is jumping sides, but it is mainly right nostril that is all dry and snotty. When I blew this morning I had clear mucus but with some yellow in it, I panicked that this means I have sinusitis and will need antibiotics. Hubby said yellow is normal with a cold. Is it? I thought it meant you had a bacterial infection. I have checked my temperature and that is normal.

I am struggling with the children as I feel so exhausted and I feel sickly, but I guess that is good old anxiety as I feel so on edge. I am so stupid worrying like this but my anxiety has hit bad lately since a car crash I had.

27-06-11, 12:27
Like you I too thought that coloured snot is a sign of sinusitis but we are wrong it is normal for a cold to produce green and yellow as this is the aftermath of the immune cells fighting the virus, even blood stained snot is not necessarily a sign of sinusitis unless the above is also accompnaied by pain on bending head or throbbing in the sinuses or if after a couple of weeks you are not better then it may be infection has got a hold,

a couple of years ago I had a weird cold in that I just woke up completely bunged up on one side then a few days later the other side joined in - at no time did my nose run but after 5 days I got the can't blow your nose in public because it is so disgusting and you need to blow for about 5 mins ( sure you all know this!). After about 3 days of this my nose cleared and that was that but I noticed that everytime I bent my head over I got a sharp pain in one spot in my upper gum but was fine otherwise. A week later I suddenly had to blow my nose on side where the pain was and themost disgusting dark brown stuff came out ( glad I was alone at time:D) and then the pain on bending head went. This was due to infection in one spot and thanfully my body got rid of it itself but now Iknow what having a sinus infection means in way of symptoms.

27-06-11, 13:20
I've always been prone to sinus problems as well - my GP says it's because my nasal passages are very narrow, therefore they get blocked up more easily than usual. Like countrygirl, I've had a number of really disgusting "snot" experiences when my sinuses have decided to empty themselves in glorious technicolour!

28-06-11, 10:54
Thank you.

I have had sinusitis a few times in the past and it was usually when I had a high fever and had, had a cold for about 3 weeks then my GP would class it as sinusitis and prescribe antibiotics.

I think this must be a cold then, I don't have a runny nose though, it is just congested and it keeps swapping which nostril feels like being bunged up. Can a cold be like that with no actual runny nose?? it is more like where the nostrils keep getting stuffy and congested. I occasionally can really blow and get alot out but it is usually just congested.

Other than that I have no other symptoms, my nostril now and again gets some stabbing pain if I am really congested but that soon passes.

I was just concenerd yellow meant i should see my doctor and get some antibiotics, i don't get colds very often so wasn't sure.

Like you I too thought that coloured snot is a sign of sinusitis but we are wrong it is normal for a cold to produce green and yellow as this is the aftermath of the immune cells fighting the virus, even blood stained snot is not necessarily a sign of sinusitis unless the above is also accompnaied by pain on bending head or throbbing in the sinuses or if after a couple of weeks you are not better then it may be infection has got a hold,

a couple of years ago I had a weird cold in that I just woke up completely bunged up on one side then a few days later the other side joined in - at no time did my nose run but after 5 days I got the can't blow your nose in public because it is so disgusting and you need to blow for about 5 mins ( sure you all know this!). After about 3 days of this my nose cleared and that was that but I noticed that everytime I bent my head over I got a sharp pain in one spot in my upper gum but was fine otherwise. A week later I suddenly had to blow my nose on side where the pain was and themost disgusting dark brown stuff came out ( glad I was alone at time:D) and then the pain on bending head went. This was due to infection in one spot and thanfully my body got rid of it itself but now Iknow what having a sinus infection means in way of symptoms.

28-06-11, 10:55
Horrible isn't it.

I just hope then that this is just a cold. I don't have a runny nose really though, it is more a stuffed up congested nose that changes nostrils all the time.

I've always been prone to sinus problems as well - my GP says it's because my nasal passages are very narrow, therefore they get blocked up more easily than usual. Like countrygirl, I've had a number of really disgusting "snot" experiences when my sinuses have decided to empty themselves in glorious technicolour!