View Full Version : Yet another bad day!!

Silly Blonde
26-04-06, 09:05
Lower back ache seems to be a bit better - but the bad stomach ache is back and I feel generally awful.

I have just stopped myself googling the symptoms. I know I've had a pelvic ultrasound that showed everything to be normal, but the nasty bully-voice in my head is telling me that I have something growing inside me causing pain depending on where it happens to be pressing.

Even typing this I feel a bit silly. I have been to my gp so many times, and she insists it is just IBS.

I am getting married next month and my biggest fear is that I'll feel terrible on the day.

Just want to feel well again, can't remember the last time I felt really good.

When i don't have symptoms - I feel pretty ok, its just when they come back I get down and feel terrible. I just can't seem to dismiss them and get on with things at the moment, however hard I try!!!

26-04-06, 10:33
its a vicious circle silly blond and i hope you feel better on yuor big day. you are fearing the symptoms coming back and that is the biggest reason for their return. if you could fear them less it would help easier said than done

if you find out how to do this let me know as it is so hard but claire weekes swears by it in her books and i truly believe she is right
