View Full Version : Anxiety help about my doctor not beleiving me

27-06-11, 13:47
Does anybody else think that there doctor doesnt think they are seriously ill but you do and feel that because you have been to the doctors lots of times before with anxiety they are just thinking its you anxiety and not something serious.I have been to my doctors about 8 times in as many weeks with back ache and genraly not feeling well with aches in my arms and fingers also like cramping in my hands and feet but my doctor doesnt think there is anything wrong with me what should i do.

27-06-11, 14:40
your doctor would never just ignore you, they could loose their job.
It may be your anxiety causing you to think like that :)

27-06-11, 18:50
Thanks for your reply anxietyoverload anyone else have any comments

27-06-11, 19:47
What has ur doctor told u is causing the problem? Its all to easy for HA sufferers to be the doctors and try and diagnose our symptoms, but u gotta remind urself that ur doctor is trained to spot different illnesses including health anxiety. If ur worried see another doctor and get a second opinion. Take care

27-06-11, 23:13
The doctor has told me its just a bad back but with my other symptoms iam not convinced i have been to see a physio who said its just a bad back i told him i thought it was cancer he said its not. But without doing test how would he know if the pains in my back went away i could carry on with my life again instead of worrying about the worst possible outcome.

28-06-11, 01:41
As somebody said on here in a brilliant post I've long since forgotten, there are major differences between the symptoms of an illness and the signs of an illness. It's why Googling things are so scary, if you punch in the symptoms of your run of the mill 3 day common cold you can come out diagnosed with all sorts of awful and, of course, completely wrong diagnoses. As a HA sufferer you think you could then have them as the symptoms match, but any doctor would know you don't because you show no SIGNS of the disease.

A symptom may be headache, a sign may be blacking out. A symptom may be a bit of red blood in mucus, a sign would be hacking up blood that resembles coffee grits. You see the difference?

Aches and pains are symptoms of many things, clearly both your doctors AND physio can't see the signs of any serious illnesses.

And try not to worry about your doctors, they never dismiss patients out of hand for a variety of reasons, from something as mundane as not wanting to lose their jobs to something as personal as because they care about people. They always do their best.

28-06-11, 07:56
Thanks for your reply i will try to take this onboard