View Full Version : pain in the head!

Two heads
26-04-06, 09:09
Hi all!The last couple of days i keep getting this shocking pain in my head and im really worrying.Somebody said it could be to do with my meds.Any ideas please?xx

26-04-06, 09:33
What meds are you taking? i'm on citalopram and i have had a bad head for the last week. I'm trying to convince myself it is down to the tablets.

Seems to be a tension headache and goes away with syndol (advised by the pharmacist, these were good).

NEVER JUDGE AN ANXIOUS PERSON BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW ONE DAY YOU MAY WAKE UP WITH IT YOURSELF..... (Stolen from someone else, can't remember who, but i'm sorry - i just liked it)"

26-04-06, 09:47
both me and my friends on this site all have terrible head pains due simply to anxiety i hope. mine are sinus related and hers ranges from a dull ache to shooting pains. i know the meds can cause these symptoms but so can anxiety itself so i wouldnt worry, its so normal when were tense to get this


Two heads
26-04-06, 10:29
Thanks Greg,jackie!They are real shocking ones.I had a headaches a few weeks ago but they went,i had eye ache with them and i have also with my head now alittle.I keep thinking its something terrible!
Like you say jackie it could be my sinus but i dont no what i can take with these meds im on.
Greg im on citalopram as well!How long you been on them hun?xxx

26-04-06, 10:30
bong does it go into your nose at all. do you feel sick with it?


Two heads
26-04-06, 10:47
It feels like my eyes are acheing,like i need to take them out and massage them. And my forehead is aches alittle and my nose does alittle i surpose. And then i get a shocking pain which just scares me so.I dont feel sick today but i have felt slightly sick befor with it but i sometimes feel sick a little when im over tired anyway.xx

26-04-06, 10:48
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Thanks Greg,jackie!They are real shocking ones.I had a headaches a few weeks ago but they went,i had eye ache with them and i have also with my head now alittle.I keep thinking its something terrible!
Like you say jackie it could be my sinus but i dont no what i can take with these meds im on.
Greg im on citalopram as well!How long you been on them hun?xxx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Bong - 26 April 2006 : 11:29:20</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I have been taking citalopram for about 3 weeks now. I have loads of other side effects as well.

NEVER JUDGE AN ANXIOUS PERSON BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW ONE DAY YOU MAY WAKE UP WITH IT YOURSELF..... (Stolen from someone else, can't remember who, but i'm sorry - i just liked it)"

Two heads
26-04-06, 10:57
I have been on them for nearly 8weeks and have had alot of side affects but most have gone now!So if it is the meds causeing the headaches, what do they do that makes the pain if you know what i mean?xx

26-04-06, 11:04
never been on meds bong so can thelp you there, all i know is if they work for you and the side effects have almost dissapeared then id live with the headache. i personally think though that it is anxiety causing them, i never really go a day with out anxiety related sinus headache which goes from my head, forehead,eyes and nose

great craic all this isnt it.not


Two heads
26-04-06, 11:15
Thanks jackie!I will try and tell myself its just my sinus over and over again entil i believe myself!I will ring the pharmacist and see if they can surgest anything i can take.xxx

26-04-06, 22:00
bong its ashley here hiya love.
I have had nasty headaches on & off..and i am on the same as you citrapram.. so im pretty sure that is what it is love.. i didnt have them like that before and sometimes they are sharp..like a blinkin eletric shock..nasty huh..
Dont worry darling(easyier said than done) it isnt anything serious part of the meds.
If still worried go to the quacks..

ashley x:D:D

26-04-06, 22:01
Oi greg stop nicking my quote lol lol

love ashley xxxx


Two heads
27-04-06, 13:57
Ow thanks ash you have put my mind at rest for now hun!Mine are on and off as well, and just like you say like eletric shocks thats the only wayto describe them.xxxx

27-04-06, 15:26

I have Them on and off all the time.
They are sharp pains can be anywhere in the head and they are only for a few seconds. It feels like something in my head needs to pop or crack, if you get me!

Also sometime I feel like drilling a whole in my head to release the pressure. It is difficult to descibe so thats the best way I can!!!!

I worried so much about them and have been to the docs like a hundred times about these pains, I have been told they are stress related, and its true coz the more I think about them the worse they are.

They are not as bad at the moment, but then my axiety is not as bad at the mo either....so I think they must be definantly linked.

Also I have been suffering from the for a good while now and I am not dead yet....lol

Hope you feel better soon x

Hay x

27-04-06, 17:22
Headaches are a common side effect with citalopram but usually just in the first month or so, what you are describing sounds like either sinus headaches or just pure tension headaches associated with anxiety,i have had the sinus ones and the anxiety ones and like ashley also the electric shocks that dont last long but hurt like hell,there is a few posts on here about them somewhere.

I just want my life back

Two heads
27-04-06, 20:36
Thanks Hayles and neil!It always help me to no im not alone on this one.I saw a cardio today and mentioned the shocks and he said it was probarly adrenaline causeing them.But i didnt tell him about my eyes and forehead,So it could be my sinus!Ineed to ask doc what i can take with citalopram really i surpose.Im so tired all the time as well.xxx

Two heads
28-04-06, 16:44
Well i have been to chemist and have just started sudafed wish me luck ,i hope it works.My head has been horrid again today mainly aroung the eyes and have had a good cry to realease some of that horrible adrenaline.
The lady in the chemist said it sounds alittle like my sinus,i just hope it is and nothiong worse!xxx

28-04-06, 16:48
Hiya Bong

I get tension headaches sometimes but mostly what I do get a lot of is 'head rushes' when I am stressed at work/anxious etc


'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

Two heads
28-04-06, 17:01
Hi!Yes it could be tension hun,it just scares me because i have never suffered head aches like this befor.But it is reasureing that im not alone thanks!xx

28-04-06, 18:44
sudafed is ok for 48-72 hours i wouldnt advise it for use any longer than that as you can get pretty bad rebound symptoms, i wish that pharmacists would advise people of this when they sell it (but maybe they did). I never touched it at all when my sinuses were bad,i used a steroid spray for 3 months (on advice of ent consultant) and i havnt had a single symptom since Steroid spray does not affect your body the way oral steroids do.

I just want my life back

Two heads
28-04-06, 19:01
I will only use them hun for a few days.i have made an appointment with my doc but could only get one for ten days time.If prob still there i will keep it.I was thinking today i remember having this head thing befor xmas but not as bad.So im really hoping it is just sinus i do so worry!Thanks for your advice i will take note.xxxx

28-04-06, 19:21
Hi Its is prob due to stress and anxiety......

How is your sleepat present?

e turnbull

Two heads
28-04-06, 19:30
Not great at present!I find it hard to settle with my head and eyes.And my baby gets me up a few times in the night,normally around 4oclockish.
she was ok last week but i think she has teeth coming or she just wants to be clingy.Maybe it could be related.I feel like i have ahead cold but no it isnt because have had it to long!xxx

29-04-06, 00:57
D'you know it's probably a combination of factors: ie stress, anxiety, tiredness and maybe side-effects of your meds. Pls try not to worry

Shiv x

Two heads
29-04-06, 15:25
Hi shiv ythanks for reply!I really will try not to worry i hope you are write!This condtion we all have is so cr..p.xxxx