View Full Version : how long to get rid of internal piles??

27-06-11, 15:54

I went to the doctors last week as had been bleeding quite a lot when going to the loo. She had a feel (gross) and said she couldn't feel anything but that the symptoms sounded like internal piles and prescribed me some suppositries. I have finished them now but am still bleeding most times I go to the loo, even though I don't have to strain and it doesn't hurt. I thought it was stopping a little but I'm not sure.............

Does anyone know how long internal piles would take to clear or should they have gone by now if this was the cause of the blood?


Em x

paula lynne
27-06-11, 16:31
Hi Em, piles are basically burst blood vessels. They never completely disappear, but you can manage them by eating plenty of fruit and veg, drinking lots of water, and using suppositories if you feel you are getting constipated. They may have been the cause of the blood, but obviously you need to go back to your GP if this continues, as this shouldnt cause constant bleeding if you are in no pain and are not constipated and not having to strain.
Paula x

27-06-11, 17:02
just to say i used some suppositries and they didnt work, then someone said you need to get them right up(gross i know lol) i used anusol ones and within the use of 2 using as this person said the problem had gone!! give it a try.

Painful piles
04-07-11, 18:35
I had a thrombosed pile (huge) a few months ago ... Nothing worked to get the pain under control ... I lay for days on the bed and read articles ... One of which was using Apple Cider Vinegar directly via soaked cotton pads. It was really a lights on moment .. The pain started to subside and for the first time in days I had some pain free time.

Again I have, albeit a much smaller pile in a different area and whilst I tried germaloids and kept it very clean, used witch hazel ... Nothing really did much good ... Again Apple Cider Vinegar has stopped the burning and stinging.

Do yourself a flavour and get to a health food store and buy a bottle ... You only have a few quid to lose and most likely like me you will get good relief.

It's not a silver bullet but it def helps me and believe me I have tried almost everything.