View Full Version : Short of Breath

27-06-11, 20:40
Hi can anyone give any advice, i have been feeling really short of breath like i have to take really deep breaths to get enough oxygen in & am very worried something is wrong, i`ve been wondering if it could be linked to hayfever which i do get and am wondering if i could have a mild form of asthma made worse by the pollen etc, probably clutching at straws but i seem to spend my life analyzing my health problems to find a reason, don`t want to go to the docs as feel once they know you suffer from anxiety they will always put it down to this & then i feel i`m wasting there time. I`m really trying to not let this turn into full blown panic which creeps up on me now & them, thanks x

27-06-11, 22:26
Hey there, I've had shortness of breath for the past couple of weeks and it got really bad (I even had the ambulance out the other night after calling NHS direct! They checked my BP, did a quick ECG thingy and oxygen levels -all were fine except a racing heartbeat) Shortness of breath is such a common anxiety symptom -particularly feeling like you can't get a good breath. I was worrying so much and hyperventilating I've just about been convinced it's anxiety.
There's a chance it could be to do with hayfever -maybe try taking an antihistemine and see if it helps. I know what you mean about going to th docs but if you're really worried (like I was) I would! Ask them to check your oxygen levels just to reassure you that you're getting enough.
I'd say try not to concentrate on your breathing (hard, I know!) If it does really worry you then be really open with your doctor and tell them your fears -honestly -like mine said the other day that's what they're there for.
=) Hope you feel much better soon.

28-06-11, 00:19
I used to suffer bad with this and it was because of my anxiety and it just made me worse, do some breathing techniques breath in for 4 seconds and out for 7 seconds

You are fine Hun xoxoxox