View Full Version : No one believes me.

27-06-11, 21:43
Sorry about all the posts on here guys, well i havn't done one except for the one about the blood tests and swabs in a while.. Basically I am just soo down at the moment, I feel like no one believes anything i say, its getting so hard for me to deal with, i just snap and get so angry at everyone, and i really don't mean to. I just wish people would understand how hard it is for me to deal with. I went to my doctors today and she was very rude and wanted me to just get out! Im not sure what to do because ive left the doctors and got an app for a blood test and i really hope it will test for everything, is that true? Apparently they test for everything wrong. But i only explained to the doc about my head dizzyness and headaches. ergh im so stressed and worried that they are missing something, i forgot to mention about my stomach :( sorry about the long post, not feeling well tonight at all. Plesae can i have some feedback x

27-06-11, 22:33
Hey Duke,
Sorry you're going through such a rough time. I can totally relate to 'oh no I forgot to tell the doctor about ______!' I've done it quite a lot.
When you feel so bad it can be so frustrating because you feel like people don't understand how you feel -and it's true, they don't -but I'm sure with blood tests they'll check for all the typical things as well as whatever could possibly be related to your dizziness.
As you will know - getting stressed and anxious gives worse/more symptoms, the horrible cycle. If you're really worried about the blood tests you could call and ask, or ask when you go for them.
Hope you feel much better soon.

27-06-11, 22:56
Thanks alot for your reply, ive been worried i wouldn't get any. Yeah ive been worrying alot lately, then when i go to the docs ive got loads to tell them, then i forget, come home and panic because i feel like i need to go back there, because they could have missed something serious. I hope the blood tests are over and done with as soon as possible so i can relax, i hope i dont die before i get it done or get the results :/ that probably sounds so stupid! Thankyou for your reply though

27-06-11, 23:13
Try writing it down. Get a book and every day write your symptoms and health worries down. Date it. Then when ubgobto doctors u gavebit written down and also u can check back and self reassure x

27-06-11, 23:46
I've handed the docs / counselor bits of paper before with how I feel if I can't speak... helps!! xxxx

28-06-11, 01:09
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time of it at the moment, truly I am. I'm going through a very rough patch myself so I know the frustration. If one more person says "Just don't worry about it"...

If it helps, I know what you're feeling with the docs. I was there last week about an inflamed tonsil and played it as cool as I could. Now I'm hating myself for not being brutally honest about how it's affecting me mentally, all the other niggles that may or may not be anxiety related or related to that, whether I portrayed how serious it was...

Hopefully they'll test for all the common things which can cause your symptoms and you'll get some peace. If you look on the bright side, when you pick up your results and they all come back negative for any cause outside of anxiety, think how much better you'll hopefully feel straight off the bat. You'll get that assurance that you're fine!

Hope everything goes well for you

28-06-11, 06:51
To make it short, I have been dizzy everyday now for 3 years now with frequent headaches also. I have gotten blood work done and everything came back normal. I know exacally how you feel when you say nobody listens and they think nothing is wrong. It drives me crazy!! So I know completly how you feel and so do loads of other people.

28-06-11, 13:36
I totally understand -and like someone said hand the a piece of paper with your symptoms and/or worries -I did this with smptoms yesterday