View Full Version : Evening People

28-06-11, 00:08
Hi all

My names Neil, Tottiepeel to friends.
I've recently been having panic attacks of the "I can't breath right and going to suffocate" kind. I first got one on a plane back from holiday (The worst 3 hours of my life) 3 weeks ago, which I thought was just a one off from being hungover on a plane and didn't think much of it, but that night I had one again which resulted in me going to hospital.

After tests on my lungs and circulation they concluded that it was panic attacks (NHS wanted to rule out a blood clot in lungs) and sent me home.
Since then they have occured 4 or 5 times. I've not seen my docter yet due to waiting times so I have been reading this site on techniques to relax when they occure (try to convince myself nothing is wrong and its all in my head etc) which work sometimes but not always.

I've kind of guessed that they have resulted from smoking weed for about 4 or 5 years intill I was 18/19 (I'm now 22) so I don't expect much sympathy from it being self inflicted as we all know weed can affect certain people that way.

I look forward to getting to know people with the same condition and also good ways to control attacks, as when I see the docter I do not want to end up on medication if possible as I believe that prescribed drugs can be as dangerous as illegal if not enough diagnosis has been done and my family history has shown that drug/alcohol dependance is rife.

Thanks all

28-06-11, 00:10
Hi YoungTattie

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.