View Full Version : Hi, About me

28-06-11, 10:42
Hi everyone.
Thought it would be a good idea to try and make contacts/friends with other people in a similar situation as me.
I have been Agoraphobic since 1985 ( you do the maths, been a very long time!) I also suffer from monophobia ( get panics if I am alone, with no one around ) thats a major problem as I live alone!
Have tried most therapies over the years, with varying degrees of sucsess, but obviously not better, but still, i never give up! I hope one day to do the things i have missed out on through out my life. I really dont want to go to my grave with SO many regrets! I am positive, I have to be. so dont read this as a man who is down, I really am not. I have learned to cope. and get great pleasure/satisfaction from small things.

28-06-11, 10:43
Hi mikesmith

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-06-11, 10:45
Hi Mike, welcome!!

I think you're really brave living on your own while suffering with this & you have a really positive attitude which is brilliant.


28-06-11, 10:55
Hi Mike,
It's nice to meet you. I also have agoraphobia and quite severe social anxiety although I have only been this way for ten years. You are very brave to have coped with those problems for so long.
Like you, I do not suffer from depression. I am a happy person in spite of the limited life I lead. You are absolutely right that the key is to find pleasure in small things.
I hope you enjoy your time on No More Panic. Don't forget to try the Chat Room which is great for companionship and support and full of lovely people!

28-06-11, 11:43
Thanks everyone for your words. I wouldnt say I dont suffer from depression, I have been on anti-depressants for years, I definatley have off days, but the strongest weapon anyone can have is a positive attitude. Its suprising what you can do with a positive outlook. it really is mind over matter