View Full Version : general questions

26-04-06, 10:18
Hello everyone,

What symptems and feelings do you get when having PA's?

What side affects of PA's do you get?

How long do anyone else's last as mine last between 1 to 5 hours depending on how bad they are?

I only ask these q's as i have only been having them since x-mas and would like to know how everyone else's affect them.


26-04-06, 10:56
Hi liz,
i find my panic attacks vary day to day,
this morning i visited my local market (right near my house),
I had a panic when i handed my money over to the man, i was just pleased he served me fast, i then walked away feeling totally sick and desperate to get home. Now i am home although i havent panic since being served by that man i feel awfull and have a horrible headache and feel i need to go to bed.

I remember when i first started having panic 4 years ago i would panic for hours on end - i used to really get in a state (still do sometimes but not that often), now days i just think oh yeah i know what this is,
it will pass. ...... I know its hard work, infact very hard work but with the right help (CBT) and just generally trying to understand whats happening to your body you can gain POWER over your panics.

I belive i can do it !


26-04-06, 11:29
Hi Liz

My symptoms are feeling faint, dizzy, sick, going hot & cold, can't breathe, throat goes dry.

Legs are shaky afterwards feel like i need to lay down.

Could go on for an hour in the past.


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

26-04-06, 16:58
Hi, my symptoms vary and range from vertigo, stomach and heart turning over, shaking, palpitations, "floating" feeling, numbness in my arms and legs, dry mouth, confusion and wild staring eyes!! And you know what, there's probably a ton more, but I shan't bore you all day!

Shiv x

26-04-06, 18:13
Hi - my symptoms are feeling hot, dizzy, hyperventilation and just wanting to run away.

We are all here for you.
Love Wenjoy x