View Full Version : can't cope anymore because i have horrible panic attacks can any1 help me please :(

28-06-11, 12:55
hi everyone
i feel so stupid for havin these panic attacks
i feel like i can choke on my tongue and feel all the time that my neck is goin snap its horrible i keep goin 2 a&e all the time and feel stupid.
if i bang me neck i just think its goin to snap and i hate it :( can any1 help me

28-06-11, 12:56
Hi katie92

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-06-11, 13:55
Hi Katie,

Welcome, Please don't feel stupid for having panic attacks, I get them all the time and I feel the same! Remember these panic attacks are all in your head, they make you feel worse than you actually are. Instead of going to the hospital try talking to someone, maybe your GP or if not a family member to try and help manage them and stop them from happening. Or if you can't talk to any of them this forum is great for stuff like that.

Best Wishes :)

30-06-11, 11:06
Hello and please dont feel stupid.

There are millions of people just like you. Im one of them.

How bad do your attacks get? What symptoms do you have? Do you take medication?

Maybe typing them in here will get you more detailed responses and help.

I would search the forum for breathing exercises as a starting point to try control the attacks and take it from there.

You can make them stop with help - please believe that.

30-06-11, 11:52
Katie you aren't alone, Panic attacks are horrible but you will find support here from many people who experience the same feelings as you.

I hope you're ok

Alex x

30-06-11, 13:17
Had this for years.
Had a real bad panic attack on Tuesday and thought I was going to die as there was a thunder storm and my boys where out and I was in a dreadful state.
I asked my neighbour that I do not really know that well if she could come and sit with me.
She come held my hand and sat with me for 4 hours she even cancelled her hospital appointment so she did not have to leave me.
I keep t telling her I felt such a idiot but she was so kind and understanding.
I always tried to keep my panic a bit to myself as feel that some people are quite nasty about it but so glad I told my neighbour all about it

05-07-11, 13:13
hi every1 thankyou for your help. but does any1 know ow to get rid of this for good becoz im 19 i need a life and to enjoy my self i need it to go :( x

05-07-11, 13:25
Have a read of the website pages on the left for loads of good advice and tips

Steve CM
05-07-11, 16:11
My first ever experience of panic was wen i was stoned 14 years ago. I had the sensation that i was gonna swallow my tounge. I sat there holding my tounge as i thought if i let it go it would roll down my throught. As my panic attacks got worse it developed into me really concentrating on my breathing. And then an attack would come on. It was almost like i felt like i was gonna stop breathing but something i read somewhere really brought it home to me that you will never stop yourself from breathing. Try holding your breath for as llong as you can,, you will always end up breathing as something in your body wouldn't allow yourself to stop. What i'm saying is i have had the discomfort of what your saying but you need to try and re-educate yourself that your neck snapping or choking on your tounge won't happen. when you come to terms with it it won't be such an obsesive thought and it will become easier

05-07-11, 18:37
thankyou. but ive been told so many times that you cant swollow you tounge unless ur unconscious or snapping ur neck u wud least have to have really bad accident and u wudnt beable to walk ect.. but i have load more symptoms. but it still doesnt get into my head. i still panic and it ruining my life :( cant go far from home becoz im scared ect . i want them gone totallly just dont know if dats every going to happen i just think of bad things 24.7 ... and think the worsed of things. if i have sore throat i think i could have somet really bad or banged my head i think i could die.. :/
is ther anythink i could do to get them totally gone i cant keep living like this.

05-07-11, 19:00
Yes there is loads you can do but you have to put the work in I am afraid.

Have a read of the website page on the left - "first steps" - and then read the others about how to cope etc.

Loads of advice that may help you.

06-07-11, 22:33

06-07-11, 22:42
The website pages on the left <<<<<<<<<---------------- over there lol.

The "First Steps" one and "Coping"