View Full Version : Help, in the eye of a panic tornado today!!!

28-06-11, 16:17
So my panic and anxiety has significantly increased in the last month. I went to my regular doc, she prescribed medicine for the anxiety and panic, unfortunately the medication wasn't completely working which then increased my health anxiety to an even more unbearable level which then made me believe I needed to visit the emergency room, so I did. At the emergency room they drew blood and took a urine sample, come to find out I'm pregnant. They said all the tests came back normal. So, of course, now I think they may have missed something (besides the pregnancy) and my panic is still here. I was tossing and turning all night and that has me worried, plus I just have this overall weird feeling. I'm at work now and having a very hard time keeping control of my panic, I won't take any of the anxiety meds because I don't know the effects they could have on the baby. I'm in a hard spot today....if anyone else can relate please, please, please let me know, I'm freaking today!!!

28-06-11, 16:37
Hi, I'm not sure I'm clear on this - did you just find out you are pregnant at A&E for the first time? Did you not know before that? How far along are you?

Don't underestimate the effect that your pregnancy hormones will be having on your body... loads of women feel really 'off' in the early stages of a pregnancy. Couldn't it just be that the pregnancy symptoms that have been making you feel worse recently? Especially an "overall weird feeling"?! Have you ever been pregnant before?

Also are you able to phone a doctor to ask about taking the meds while pregnant?

28-06-11, 16:45
Wow goodness, what a surprise! Congratulations!

Some medications can increase anxiety while they get into the system, and as soon as I was pregnant I felt anxious, butterflies and on edge (and that was before I really had anxiety).

I'm not surprised you were finding it hard to sleep, that is a lot to go through!

Definitely get some advice on medications from doctor now you are pregnant, I'm pretty sure I read some people have taken them but they might need to switch? Babies (baby babies! lol) are hugely resilient, especially if it is very early I'm sure it will be okay.

Look after yourself okay :hugs:

28-06-11, 16:49
I found out I was pregnant when I visited the emergency room, I did not know before this. This will be my third pregnancy, I'm very aware of all the changes my body is going through however that doesn't stop my health anxiety from making me think that something else may be going on. I just found out about the pregnancy two days ago so I have not yet seen an OB doctor. I did question the ER practitioner about the medication but she never gave me the info on the medication that she was supposed to and I'm not sure I would have even trusted her info considering she wasn't really a doctor, she was some kind of practitioner. They've started this new system at the hospital where they try to get everyone out as quickly as possible and save the rooms and actual doctor visits for critical patients.

28-06-11, 16:53
Thank you Klonoa!! I very much appreciate your response, I'm trying to remember that this all must be normal. I think I may be feeling a little off because I haven't taken any of the anxiety meds for a couple days, I had just started them before figuring out I was pregnant so I think I'll end up okay, it's just the reassurance that I need. :)

28-06-11, 17:05
Ok, I follow now! Congratulations then!

Try not to worry, I'm sure the hormones probably have an effect on anxiety levels too. And, when I was pregnant (before I found out) I had some medications that clearly said "not for use during pregnancy", so I was quite concerned when I realised I was pregnant. I also had a bottle (!) of Rioja to myself the night before I found out. :blush: But, pleased to say my son turned out just fine despite my worries!