View Full Version : Moved from 20mg to 30mg -how long til it takes effect??

28-06-11, 18:11
Hey there, I've been having terrible anxiety lately and I got my dose moved up -currently I'm still feeling the same, so I was wondering when I can expect to start feeling somewhat better?
Thank you!!

28-06-11, 18:26
Hi, I started on 10mg for about 2 weeks, got all the horrible side effects, but felt no better, went up to 20mg and was starting to feel a bit better was on that for 4 weeks but had a stressful meeting at work and then went down again. Went to docs last Friday and went up to 40mg. Sort of back to where I was at the beginning got bad wind and don't sleep very well, so you have to give it a few weeks to settle in. I think as you body gets used to one dosage that when you change it you have to readjust each time. Hopefuly in a couple of weeks I will see a change. I take my tablet in the morning and am not changing the this. Stick with it. Drink plenty of water that helps, stay of alcohol as I tried one drink twice and I had terrible nights sleep. Eat well although sometimes I feel quite nauseas. Hope that helps. Everybody says they are different, but you may see some similarities. I would guess that after about 2 weeks it may be different but it could be longer.

28-06-11, 18:55
Hi Violetwings.
You should start to notice a difference in about 7-10 days depending on when you take your tablets. Don't forget that you should take some sort of regular exercise even if it is just walking round the block and that should also make you feel a lot better :)

29-06-11, 14:32
Thanks both of you. 7 days on 30mg will be Saturday for me!

29-06-11, 14:58
I went from 20 to 30 then to 40, after a month I was still feeling pretty bad and not sleeping so I dropped back to 20mg and added 15mg of Mirtazapine. This has been the magic combination for me, I felt better in a couple of days and now feel good and sleep well!